CFCasting // Looking for scrims to cast.

I have made a separated channel, that has no links with SUaF for ESL. This channel is mainly for quick casts for teams that would like to be casted at random times, but remember I won't be able to cast 24/7.

This channel is for my experience, and obviously people who might watch it. Nothing will part take into anything from this channel, as yet again this is for more practice and entertainment. This channel will be ran by myself, and only me casting (and maybe some guests? but mainly SUaF Casters if they are up to it)

I've made the channel also, as I get messages for casts and I talked to a few people saying they would like a seperated channel just for entertainment part time casting.

With all that said, if you would like your scrim casted you may contact me over xFire, or over the forums.

xFire: WOGLWilliam

*Please note, that if you do contact us for a casted match that both teams (yourself, and all the players) agree to be casted. Also, that both teams must wait at least 5 - 10 minutes until we actual cast, so patients is required.

- Visual Content, and Audio Content doesn't necessarily reflect Shut Up and Frag (SUaF), ESL, or any linked websites/businesses from this channel. -

We are looking for scrims to cast.
