[Live] iCon vs Equality.SP @ 6/5/11


Shut Up & Frag TV Presents:

iCon vs Equality.SP on June 3rd @ 8:30PM EST


Check the team rosters and clan information via the links provided below!
iCon: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=171782
Equality.SP: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=165413

Join Me!: http://www.livestream.com/crossfirelive


Join me on the NESL Public Ventrilo to join the discussion or even possibly be asked to give your input on the match!


Match Setup:
NESL Rules / 7 Rounds

  • Factory - Equality Choice
  • Port - iCon Choice
  • Random _ Tie Breaker / 5 Rounds
Both teams have agreed to the following maps and to abide by NESL Rule Set.

If would like your match casted, have any questions, or even have suggestions, hit me on the following messaging systems:
  1. Xfire: eslmasta
  2. Forum Private Chat
  3. New In Game Messaging System!
Side Note: Please post wisely and remember to be respectful. Polleus is a nice fellow but he is sure as hell happy to infract you and I'm happy to ban you off my livestream :) Enjoy the matches and enjoy your gaming!

- Shut Up & Frag TV

