Ghost Mode BL guide

Before reading this, know that i think of myself as an experienced GM player, but I am far from the best. i may know how to play it practically perfectly, but that doesn't mean that i myself play it perfectly.

i will be making a GR guide shortly after this, but i'm starting with the hard one, BL.
First, BL is made of three things; melee skills, quick decisions, and Bhopping.

Melee skills-
First and foremost, i recommend an AXE. Shoveling may make you able to top frag, but you will never be taken seriously in any type of competitive GM (leagues or otherwise). None of that ridiculous try-hardness of Axe-Axe combat is needed, just timing. The way i learned timing is when i just spawn, just do a few trick shots on a certain point in a wall, just to get my timing sharp. Back when i was learning, i did this every match, GM or otherwise, just to speed it up. the right click attack is the best for killing hard (pinpointing) enemies, whereas a simple slash to the head is optimum for killing the baddies in pubs. the reasoning is that there is more of a chance for a 1-stab than a 1-slash, and against experienced players sometimes 1 chance is all you get, if that. This is the most simple part of BL GM.

Quick Decisions-
The only thing that rivals the decision making of BL GM is competitive S&D. Even in GM pubs, the amount of decisions needed to make is huge. The first decision is usually whether to Pick a few of the GR side then plant, fast plant, or dont plant at all. i find that the easiest way in a pub is to not plant at all, but the easiest in competitive games is to fast plant/pick 1-2. In competitive GM, you need to identify who the strong players are, and where they are covering. the most effective GR tactic is to hide without camping, but i will get more into that later. When you see a very strong pin-pointer tending to stay in one spot, you need to stay away from that spot, or group rush that spot. When being sprayed/pinpointed upon, you either need to run out of direct fire (behind something) or Bhop in an unpredictable pattern. The one thing that helps the most in GM is unpredictability. Bhopping in a straight line will get you killed 9/10 times. i understand bhopping is hard in general for most people, but you will learn. the most effective way to dodge bullets while bhopping is to either make a U shaped bhop pattern and attack again, or zig to the left/right then go straight. Bhopping in a Z pattern isn't prime because it puts you directly back into the spray area every time you switch back. These decisions will eventually become second nature, i am at the stage where i dont even have to think about it.

now, the hardest part. i will show you how to Bhop in four different ways, although they are similar. learn them in the order that i am presenting them, because i am presenting them in the easiest to hardest format.

take into mind, GM bhop= S&D Bhop + crouching.

#1: single, facing down.
- I first used this bhop in my GM career. this is simple, hold the crouch button, in my case shift, face down, and do individual bhops. so you are holding Shift, and one by one tapping S & Spacebar simultaneously (while facing down). once one settles, you proceed to the next one. this is extremely slow, but it is the framework for all other bhops.

#2: multiple, face back.
- This bhop came about a month after i started the #1 bhop. this is the fast bhop technique, although not the fastest. This is achieve by holding shift, facing backwards, and holding S and tapping spacebar. on the initial jump, you tap S and spacebar at the same time, but you are tapping spacebar while remaining to hold S down. The timing of the spacebar eventually turns to second-nature, it is just a split second before you hit the ground. To change directions, you slowly (20 degrees per second at the most) turn your mouse to where you want to go. This is given you turn your mouse the opposite the direction you want to go, because you are traveling backwards. in this bhop, the minimap is your best friend. you are blind to where you are going, and unless you want to frequently stop to figure out where you are, use the minimap.

#3: multiple, running start forward.
- This is one of my least favorite bhops, but it is also debatably the fastest and easiest. My problem with this bhop is that you are visible when starting it, and you need a large straight area to execute it properly. This bhop is started by running forwards, jumping, then breaking into a forward bhop. first you are just regularly running, holding W, then you jump, press Shift (crouch) while in midair, and tap space upon landing. you get into the same jump-beat as bhop #2, although maybe a bit faster. another problem with this bhop is it is harder to turn, due to the faster speed.

#4: multiple, Back-forwards hybrid.
- This bhop is a mixture of bhops #2&3, and is the most preferred. It is started by the same way #2 is started, but after 2-3 quick and solid bhops you quickly whip your mouse to have you do a 180, facing forward. this also requires a quick switch from backwards pushing to forwards pushing. Along with the mouse move, switch from the S key to the W key. it is the same beat of spacebar hopping, but you may need to go a little faster. Some prefer to change directions of the bhop while facing forwards, but i feel that it is easier and safer to change to the back bhop, and use that to change my coarse, then switch back forwards.

Additions: as you probably noticed: my crouch hotkey is shift. this is what i recommend for GM because it causes less stress on the pinkey, i find it difficult to stretch it all the way down to Control for extended amounts of time.

my (own?) style: as stated, i use #4, but i have an addition. after the first 2-3 bhops, i let go of directional keys. some may find this very difficult to do and keep momentum, because the timing of your jumps need to be practically perfect to do this. I am not sure if many others do this, but i find it faster and more flash-resistant.

up/down surfaces: use bhop #1, or a #1-#2 combo.

tl;dr: i guess GM isnt for you
