[Live] Clarity vs SYNR @ 7:30PM EST

clarity.png VS synr.png

EDIT: Please note time change!
Clarity and SYNR will face off live @ 7:45PM EST!

Clarity: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=162947
SYNR: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=132186

Co-Caster: RaLf.

Join me: http://www.livestream.com/crossfirelive

If you would like to join the discussion or possibly be asked to speak live, join me on the NEW NESL Ventrilo!

Match Setup:
NESL Rules / 7 Rounds

  • Mexico
  • Black Widow
  • ?Random? _ Tie Breaker
Both teams have agreed to the following maps and to abide by NESL Rules!
