My apologies

OMG i honestly didn't think it would be that big of a deal to make a damn mexican joke especially with all the black/african-american jokes I got over the last year or 2. I'm not racist and never have been but give me a break I go through it everyday here its almost second nature.

I DO SINCERELY Apologize to everyone on the roster of [!]nstinct and any Hispanics/ Latinos for the video i made. Please believe it was nothing more than a JOKE. I didn't mean any harm it was purely in retaliation to the immediate accusations we got from you regarding our match. But I responded in the wrong way.

@ Leapy:

I expected a response/rebuttal but i didn't expect you to get upset about it. Its all fun and games with me.

@ Bobby and everyone else who felt the need to comment:

I dished it out...and I can take it back in ( when i made the video I knew it was stereotypical and I knew exactly what I was doing. It was purely jokes and somewhat trash talk. (basically i was mad at the hackusation) But you guys are right, and I was wrong for responding the way I did.

All in All... I STILL FIND THE VIDEO HILARIOUS!!! But that doesn't justify it. Sorry guys I hope we can get past this and good luck with the rest of the qualifier.
