[Live] - hgH vs Flow @ 8:00EST

hgH(HatersGonnaHate) vs xNtrick.Flow will face off live today @ 8:00EST!

hgH Team Info: Click Here

xNtrick.Flow Info: Click Here

Join Me!: http://www.livestream.com/crossfirelive

If you would like to join the discussion or possibly be asked to speak live(Give Your Input!), join me on NESL Public Ventrilo!


Match Setup: NESL Rules / 7 Rounds

Sub Base
Black Widow _ Tie Breaker

Both teams have agreed to the following maps and to abide by NESL rules.

*Note On Tie Breakers - They will be by rounds for now on. No longer by matches.

Hope you guys enjoy the match and good luck to both teams!
