Why cant we work together!?!?

i played Ghost for these past freegp crates give away thing reall cool! but in ghost mode 98% of the time GR has at least 1-2 hackers -_- today i found 8 from just being in ghost and gr wont kick at all even when its the most obvious :afk at base comes straight up the stairs and hs u and the other next to u! next when ur camped near corner :he goes at top a sec he looks at u and ''BOOM HAKSHOT'' -_- idk about this but im sick of reporting so many people! and i dont report ppl just cuz they good i can spot a h4cker a mile away ! please find a better way to report people this is INSANE!!! also got a replay which im exauseted from so many uploads -_-!!!!! guys if you truly care about this game lets work together and get rid of these slim bags!!2cwoa5g.jpg
