
Open applications!!

Lavender is a sexy color, mainly a Ghost Mode clan. Black List or Global Risk we can handle it. We are used to being "Hackused". Most of the time, we ignore it. Lavender is more than just a clan. We are a family who's bond is thicker than blood, oil, and a fat man's butt cheeks. We enjoy playing CrossFire in groups/together, not just because it's fun, but also to have someone to press f12 for you:) We have a sexy logo--It says Look at me, im dark and mysterious. Touch me, im gay and spontaneous. I noticed other new clans have similar logos..copy cats. D:
Positive Kill/Death Ratio (1.3)
Must be active (at least 3 times a week)
Ventrilo (Recommended)
We do not accept hackers. (Any suspected and confirmed hackers will be kicked from the clan.)
Must have good manners and sexy disposition ^.~
Here's a promotional video to seduce you in joining the clan. I accept alts from my sexy friends.
