
All active players that like to play Ghost Mode and are tired of getting kicked, well so are we thats why we play games as a clan to avoid being kicked or do our best to...We're The GrimReeFerZ...we are a skilled clan who likes to have fun, we have 28 members and getting more every day...we use xfire for team chat and it works amazing and helps us keep in constant communication and watch each others back...if your looking for good clanmates and people who will be on to play with most of the week then look no further and apply now if you qualify:

Positive K/D Ratio (1.0)
Active Player (Atleast once a week)
A good GM player on both sides (We can help you out tho)

If Intrested Apply....http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=9542
