Clan CheckMate Public Announcement

Hello my fellow players,

My name is Chrome, and I'm a Lieutenant and Administrator for Clan CheckMate. Unfortunately, I have the duty to inform the Z8 Community, at least officially, of a bit of bad news.

One of Clan CheckMate's (now former) Lieutenants, HeAd5sHoT, was kicked and banned from our clan and Cross Fire for hacking by BROVO last night. As well as his 2 other accounts for our clan. We have asked CrossFire to take away ANY clan points that he had accumulated (we believe it was around 425) while in our clan! So don't be surprised if we drop several positions today.

The leader of CheckMate is very adamant about clearing the game of ALL hackers and glitchers. If that means kicking and banning friends (as Headshot was to me) and members of his own clan, then so be it.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to apologize on behalf of CheckMate for not acting faster. There were a number of reports about HeAd5sHoT sent to Z8 Games, including reports sent by several of our own members. Unfortunately, we had been receiving the reports back from Z8 that he was clean. It was not until a BROVO confirmed that he was a hack that we were able to take action.

I imagine this thread will fill up in short order. If you have a specific concern you'd like addressed, please do not hesitate to PM or E-Mail me, it will be easier for me to address them. You can also visit our website and forum which can be found by going to:

Below, you will find a copy of an e-mail that was sent to the GM's.
To [GM]Giada and [CM]FallenAngel

Thank you for having HeAd5hOt banned from crossfire.
We have been waiting for the reports to be verified.
We would like to ask if possible can we reset our clan score and it's position in the clan list to reflect it's true position after subtracting HeAd5hOt's clan point total as we believe that his gain was in the area of 425 points? The clan and I all share the same conviction that if we did not earn the clan points honestly, we don't want them at all!

For your consideration,
Clan CheckMate

