Those People who get the "File has been changed or forged"
Ok so you try to reinstall and clean you pc and still wont work? try this method it worked for me
1. Go to control panel and click on Disk Defragmenter
2. Then go to control panel click on Disk Cleanup after you done all dose reset you pc
3. Log in cf and play
it worked for me .. so give it a try
1. Go to control panel and click on Disk Defragmenter
2. Then go to control panel click on Disk Cleanup after you done all dose reset you pc
3. Log in cf and play
it worked for me .. so give it a try
Vancouver911 wrote: »Ok so you try to reinstall and clean you pc and still wont work? try this method it worked for me
1. Go to control panel and click on Disk Defragmenter
2. Then go to control panel click on Disk Cleanup after you done all dose reset you pc
3. Log in cf and play
it worked for me .. so give it a try
That donesn't always work that problem happned to my cousin.... WE did the disk clean up it did not work we did a virus check it happned to be a virus attacking crossfire so we had to rebuild his pc for it to work.
Your method usaully works but you will have to do it after every patch.
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