Chuck Norri$ Wants YOU!
I do not want to join and i think the picture is gay
Back when i was in extreme we had a scrim and your entire team ragequitted except for two kids, one was rifle because we were friends with him and the other stayed there to 'save the replay and report us'. -
I do not want to join and i think the picture is gay
Back when i was in extreme we had a scrim and your entire team ragequitted except for two kids, one was rifle because we were friends with him and the other stayed there to 'save the replay and report us'.
If you're not going to join, don't bother replying. -
Yeah plus you said that before and I told you on that game I got DC from the whole game.
If you actually play CF with intelegence and memory you would know it's not 100% stable as it should be, even now, but now I do admit they've improved the performance at all.
If little kids like you got nothing good to say why sound like a ****** don't say anything at all.
Didn't your momma teach you beter? I guess not, spoiled litle kids don't learn much of FPS games. -
WEelllllllll ghost kill if you read in the first post it says at the end
"If you you're not interested in joining what do you think of the picture (Above)? "
i thought the picture was gay
and added my own little insight about this clan
and nipple the game doesnt crash for all four players in a scrim, especially when one of your members replied "pretty much" to a remark stating your whole clan was rage quitting.
GGGGG bad clan -
I don't know about the rest, im not god. Im tellin you I did from the whole game.
So you can either be a ego centred litle kid, or show some respect and atleast be nicer and be the bigger man. Obvi you don't know what that means so ask your mother, she can explain what sportsmanship and respect means in a way you might understand.
Don't base your opinion on a whole clan of 1 game where people either DC or chose not to play. That opinion is invalid and unreliable (another words ecologically invalid, if anyone knows what that means), also that's your opinion.
Intelegence is the answer here, go to school and listen to your momma =] -
In the games I am in when we win we say gh, gg.
In the games where we loose I keep the policy of no acusations.
So that must be when im not playing.
Thanks for the great compliments, have awsome days =]
PS We don't want you STYX coz right now you are showing that your a bit of as.s**** we don't tolerate people like you =] -
Well let me say this
First off nipple youre a lieutenant, and i know youre good friends with nikita who's the leader. You're in a position that requires leadership, and the fact that you have a clan full of kids who call hacks and rage quit and you don't do anything about it doesn't make sense to me. You keep saying "well others might do it but i dont" oh well, we're not talking about you we're talking about your clan.
Multiple accounts of kids rage quitting and calling hacks have been posted in this thread, and your only defense is that "you dont' do these things, so you must not be around when they happen". WELL they happen, so if you wanna move towards having a good clan this might want to be the first thing you look at.
CN is still bad -
HeyLookItsBrett wrote: »
LooooooooooooooooooooL ahahahahahaha
chucks leaving a clan-war beacuse they're gettin pwned....
die like a man and leave like a cicken a cw..... thats stinks
rofl copter..... -
why 1.0? That's a bit of a stupid thing to say. Most of the time people with that are very bad. You need experience in this game bro.
Yeah from the video I can see 4 people playing, not 30.
And to be perfectly honest sometimes even good players rage quit.
Because temper is nothing to do with skill in this case.
Being pro doesn't mean you do good 24/7. (Im not saying im a pro ofcourse)
They have pro moments and noob moments.
As of Phive thanks for actually showing maturity in your last comment.
I am glad you understand my point of view and I will look into your suggestions.
But this thread only shows how bad this community is if no one has nothing good to say and only show how big their d***s are over the internet. Sad.
That's why we took a step backwards and cleaner our clan of all the idiots and nubs and forgot about rank in order to have a more organised friendly clan. I see we still need to work on that. -
Alright kids, let's do this.
Let's see, I have never RQd a clan war, hmm in the past 6 months I believe.
I never leave. I always stay simply for the challenge. That video where I left was OBVIOUSLY a DC.
H3ll, I had 2 DC's from some really potentially good clan wars last night. My best friend Nikolay,
unlike you littol boys, plays this game for fun.
Now what is fun?
Fun is a source of enjoyment, ammusement or pleasure.
If Nikolay feels he is not recieving enjoyment, amusement or pleasure from a game he leaves,
but not before consulting me. If I feel my clan can still win without his presence I give him
the ticket. Now in that game I Disconnected. I don't care, it happened. Nikolay normally
wouldn't leave, but without my presence he left too. Now why waste your time in a 2v4?
Seriously, better things to do and the others left as well in hopes that perhaps we can
rematch without Dcs.
Really, Please, get together and play us again, I'd love to.
I think the main idea that we are forgetting here is that it's a game.
Now why do people play games? To have fun. Now, what is fun? Like I said, Fun is a source of enjoyment, ammusement or pleasure.
In my opinion I agree that in real life sports, it's important to show good sportsmanship and surprisingly, I feel the same way about this game. Here's the problem, I have an ego that's bigger than it should be so my ego sometimes gets in the way of my vision.
I believe someone mentioned this clan lacks skill?
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
Let's not forget the main theme here. This is a virtual game. It's completely
normal for someone to have fun with their clanmates in a game where it
involves making fun of their own or other clan members for 'fun'.
Let's review the main themes here:
1. Chuck Norri$ does not RQ. But nice work finding the one time that we were forced to.
2. Chuck Norri$ is quite decent. Disagree? Look at the pics above or come scrim us.
3. Quick Note: Chuck Norri$ is 100% legit. If anyone has doubts.
Still have doubts? Teamview us. Or check the replay. QQ. -
You guys DO ragequit, it wasn't just one time, it's been multiple times. I can have others vouch for me.
You won two scrims against average clans. You posted a picture of one half 5-4, and you posted another picture of a full game against Germanbobs, who, lets be honest are terrible.
Im pretty sure noone has accused you guys of haacking in this thread at all, so i don't know why you would post your #3. You guys aren't that good, therefore noone thinks you really hack except those clans who think everyone hacks.
We in fact did NOT get verbally owned because half his post wasn't even relevant to this thread, and he contradicted himself in it.
"1. Chuck Norri$ does not RQ."
"Nikolay normally
wouldn't leave, but without my presence he left too. Now why waste your time in a 2v4?"
And also, "Seriously, better things to do and the others left as well in hopes that perhaps we can
rematch without Dcs."
I've played against your clan when they've ragequitted, and they didn't give the slightest effort at contacting any of our clan members who were on at the time for a rematch.
You're pulling stuff out of your ass now. -
I'm not actually, I have a specific moral code when it comes to this game and one of the aspects of it is that I really never ragequit. I love clan wars, they are fun. Why would I leave?
I don't and as far as I know my clan members don't either.
But let's think of this situation a bit more globally.
What are clans?
Clans are generally groups of players that enjoy one-another's presence and enjoy playing games as well as chatting with each other.
Why are clans formed? Disregarding the nooby clans that don't communicate with each other etc, clans are formed to bring players together, to unify them.
Now let me bring back my previous point of playing games for fun. Games are meant to be played for fun. But not everyone plays them for fun. Some play them for ego, or to prove something to themselves. Similarly, people join clans or become clan leaders also for their ego or to prove something to themselves or to compensate for something.
Now why is it, that in this game, it is so important who ragequits, who hacks, who QQs, more importantly, which clans are flawed?
It's important because people feel better about themselves and their own clan when finding flaws in other clans.
Well, Chuck Norri$ Ragequits(Which we don't), So it's not THAT bad if our clan QQs.
You also mentioned that we lack skill and that only clans call us hac.kers that call everyone hac.kers.
Well are you familiar with ROFL Gaming?
Are you familiar with the fact that we almost beat them on Port in a 5v5 (4-5) and they were crying that we hac.k? Isn't Rofl gaming considered one of the best clans in the game and considering we ALMOST beat them, that should put us as a threat to top clans.
Are you familiar with the fact that other top clans told rofl gaming not to play us?
Are you familiar with the fact that this is because other top clans think we hac.k?
So logically, how can we lack skill when ROFL gaming QQed the whole game that we're hac.king? Obviously, there's more to us than meets the eye. You seem to think our clan lacks skill Mr. phiive. Well 1v1 me sometime. My Ign is [CN]Nikita.
Now I don't know much about you Mr. phiive, but what I do know is that you apparently enjoy daily checking clan threads and telling clans that they are flawed by insulting the players within them as well as the clan as a whole. Now why would someone do this? Is he really concerned about letting the public know the truth? Or does he simply get enjoyment from telling other clans that they are bad because this in-turn makes him feel better about his own clan and about what he's accompished in this game and this therefore will make him feel better about what he lacks in his life.
Hint: I, among others, think it's the second one.
What I do, is defend my clan's reputation. Why do I do this? I really don't care what you think of me. I really don't care what you think of my members. I really don't care what you think of my clan. I really don't care if you think my clan RQs. I really don't care if you think we hac.k. I really don't care if you think we're flawed or if you think you're better. You may care, probably because it makes you feel better of what you lack in your life(Which I'm assuming isn't longer than fifteen years) but what I do care about is what my 2nd in command [CN]Nipple cares about. And [CN]Nipple cares about our clan reputation, and so I'll defend my clan's reputation because I care what Nipple cares about.
GG. -
guys, chuck norri$ really is a good clan. Ive been in it for about 4 months, something like that.
I' ve had fun, cracked up on vent many times, had our fair share of CW wins (and losses), and improved as a player.
Who gives a dam if a couple guys have ragequitted? ITS A ***KING GAME!
And Phiive, im pretty sure you have ragequitted before, I'm sure I have.
Bottom Line: If you want to join a clan with a great sense of humor, and a good amount of Skill, please consider Chuck Norri$. -
Ill try and keep this short and this'll be my last post in this thread
"Isn't Rofl gaming considered one of the best clans in the game"
no, i don't consider them one and many others dont either.
Puffs main argument for his hackusations is "he totally sucked last time we played him, and he instantly got better, he definitely got haacks."
I know this because i've played along side him and against him. He specifically told me after a scrim where we beat them that "bliss12 and panda-m0nium hacked because the last time he played them, they did much worse"
Im sorry but thats not a good argument in my eyes.
Anyway, about me "checking the clan threads daily and finding flaws". Not really. I just saw your post and just let everyone know who was interested in this clan that this clan rage quits when they lose
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