Something I thought was pretty funny
I couldnt really get the picture or the video because i got too lazy, plus xfire wont record and prntscreen wouldnt take a pic of it.
So ill just have to tell the story, and yes its pretty ****
Ok I went into a Ghost Mode room, joined, kill Ghosts, knife ghosts incase I run outa ammo, the usual things we all do as GR's. And then randomly the whole GR team leaves me alone with 6 ghosts, so I stay in the GR base, every ghost runs to me trying to knife my head. So I thought of 2 nice things to do to them, either let them kill me or run around in circles while shooting at their heads, I did the second choice because im a nice person(: Anyways I killed them all, they called me hacker.....
Ghost1: Slydez ???!
Ghost1: Slydez hac/ker!
Slydez(me): No
Ghost2: Wow chams
Slydez(me): Rofl is chams a word?
Rest of the ghosts: ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Ghost2: Yeah cham is word, it mean you see ghost
Slydez: Thats cuz you all ran around in circles with me, not my fault
---Ghost2 has left the room---
---Ghost2 has joined the room (As GR this time)---
All of the ghosts: F11 ??? F11 ??? F11 ???
---You have been kick, no further penalty---
Yes I used "Ghost" as a name for them because I dont remember the names :P
The End(:
So ill just have to tell the story, and yes its pretty ****
Ok I went into a Ghost Mode room, joined, kill Ghosts, knife ghosts incase I run outa ammo, the usual things we all do as GR's. And then randomly the whole GR team leaves me alone with 6 ghosts, so I stay in the GR base, every ghost runs to me trying to knife my head. So I thought of 2 nice things to do to them, either let them kill me or run around in circles while shooting at their heads, I did the second choice because im a nice person(: Anyways I killed them all, they called me hacker.....
Ghost1: Slydez ???!
Ghost1: Slydez hac/ker!
Slydez(me): No
Ghost2: Wow chams
Slydez(me): Rofl is chams a word?
Rest of the ghosts: ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Ghost2: Yeah cham is word, it mean you see ghost
Slydez: Thats cuz you all ran around in circles with me, not my fault
---Ghost2 has left the room---
---Ghost2 has joined the room (As GR this time)---
All of the ghosts: F11 ??? F11 ??? F11 ???
---You have been kick, no further penalty---
Yes I used "Ghost" as a name for them because I dont remember the names :P
The End(:
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