Cross Fire users help raise over $5,000 for the Red Cross!
Seeing as real people don't actually don't trick or lure people to WASTE MONEY on them to gain MORE money, I HIGHLY DOUBT people who have to pay $300+ on RENT, TAXES, GAS, GAS (house gas), SCHOOL, ETC on a crappy $700/by-weekly paycheck can give even 5% of their fricking checks.......
You're basing that on the ASSUMPTION that G4Box did that for money.
Not all humans are corrupt, I'm sorry to tell you that. G4Box didn't have to give a single thing. Be grateful they did, as people in Japan surely will. G4Box did it to support Japan. Even if they didn't give money out, they still would have earned the same, if not MORE.
Most people have BP stored up from previous purchases of ZP. Meaning they didn't have to buy more to support Japan, meaning G4Box wouldn't earn that 90% of the Namecard, but instead have to take 10% out from another profit.
Next time when your country falls down the toilet would you rather have no money at all?
The littlest of donations can help wonders in situations such as this. Even $5000 will not only help people LIVE, but it will help them recover faster.
And you know, People can give 5% of their check. But we as humans buy crud that we don't need. Look at certain people, who live in poverty and STILL donate all the money they have to help others.
Any middle class citizen can spare atleast 5% of their paycheck of one week, all they need to do is cut down, whether it be the non-needed junk food, or not wasting to much electricity for a few days, and do other time consuming activities that don't cost you. -
Not only did I give 10% but I also gave the 90 other %. I wouldn't call 40€ a paycheck but it's all I had and was happy to give it away even though it wasn't much and I could've bought stuff with it.
Yes people could easily give 5% of their own paycheck but many people don't give a **** about others and many other are just racist and don't like asians. There's another category I almost forgot: the I cba category.
Z8 didn't have to give amything? How would've the community reacted and how bad would've z8 looked? Almost every video game company did a founds collect.
Just admit that z8 were way too greedy on that one.
People are already enough frustrated without knowing what z8 does with the money and now they tell us that out of a couple of unpopular items they made 50k (5 for japan and 45 for themselves)? That makes people think "wait, they get so much out of those items? How much do they get out of zp purshases then o_O? What the heck do they do with it?" and that's totally normal.
It's like given a weapon to a suicidal.
Yes, they gave money to the japs and that's good but face the facts, they could've done way better. -
Not only did I give 10% but I also gave the 90 other %. I wouldn't call 40€ a paycheck but it's all I had and was happy to give it away even though it wasn't much and I could've bought stuff with it.
Yes people could easily give 5% of their own paycheck but many people don't give a **** about others and many other are just racist and don't like asians. There's another category I almost forgot: the I cba category.
Z8 didn't have to give amything? How would've the community reacted and how bad would've z8 looked? Almost every video game company did a founds collect.
Just admit that z8 were way too greedy on that one.
People are already enough frustrated without knowing what z8 does with the money and now they tell us that out of a couple of unpopular items they made 50k (5 for japan and 45 for themselves)? That makes people think "wait, they get so much out of those items? How much do they get out of zp purshases then o_O? What the heck do they do with it?" and that's totally normal.
It's like given a weapon to a suicidal.
Yes, they gave money to the japs and that's good but face the facts, they could've done way better.
+1 z8 was WAY too greedy with this -
not 500$ go too Japan.. 5000$ go too Japan!
that's allready the 10% of the complete ^^!
Sincerely, Frucht]Tiga !
Red Cross isn't always truthful with their money management when it comes to getting the money where it's needed.. -
Just admit that z8 were way too greedy on that one.
People are already enough frustrated without knowing what z8 does with the money and now they tell us that out of a couple of unpopular items they made 50k (5 for japan and 45 for themselves)? That makes people think "wait, they get so much out of those items? How much do they get out of zp purshases then o_O? What the heck do they do with it?" and that's totally normal.
Even my 'assumption' was based on the fact that something was Z8 didn't want to make a profit off of selling something for donations, but only is going to send off 10%?! That's like having an AIDS-Day item in shop and only sending off was MADE to gather support for a cause, but almost none of the gathering even go TO the cause.
Don't think we're make too much money for the amount of crap that's going on in/with the game and you think we're not going to notice or something...
Maybe you should have said 100% of the profits for those items...then no one could complain, AND any profits from other feel-good (a NON-FOR PROFIT SCHEME...since it relies on the costumer wanting to spend more since he thinks the company can do with the money) sales. But no...dirty company is dirty.
We practically tore that whole "we don't make as much money as you think" thing right up and out the window when they told us how much money they donated...and how much they SHOULD have donated. -
i'm really starting to think it was a way for z8 to make money off of this and look good at the same time...
NO DOUBT. The moment ANY company says "Buy this and get [SMALL INCENTIVE] free", it's a profit scheme.
"Buy 10k ZP from [SURVEY SPOT/CARD COMPANY] and get 10%/15%/20% (never over 20%....) 'bonus' ZP!"...
Hell, if they had said 30, I'd think it was to have some operation costs covered, but NOOOOO....they made THAT MUCH on 2 cheap (well, 1 was cool = Name Card.) items, then they know damn well they made more then enough that whole damn month to cover all costs across the board. -
Havent read anything here and just posting to put my opinion here.
5k is a lot of money for use to raise and japan would rather have 5k then nothing at all and most people just have a negative attatuide to everything
yeah but still the point is they made money off of this. they could have and should have done more cause they do have other items that can be bought -
Havent read anything here and just posting to put my opinion here.
5k is a lot of money for use to raise and japan would rather have 5k then nothing at all and most people just have a negative attatuide to everything
I'd be ****ed if I worked my ass off and my employer gave me half a check because the company was tanking and they decided that the company was more important then me and my wellbeing...
It's a BS and cold-hearted move. It wasn't Z8/G4's crisis to make a profit off of....and that's why people are ****ed. -
big pot? $5000? out of $50000 that they made? thats not a big pot $45000 is a big pot that the made off of this
He apparently hasn't read 90% of this ENTIRE thread...-__-
Nothing bib about $5k from a pot of $50k...
[Goes to do research on some things...] -
I'd be ****ed if I worked my ass off and my employer gave me half a check because the company was tanking and they decided that the company was more important then me and my wellbeing...
It's a BS and cold-hearted move. It wasn't Z8/G4's crisis to make a profit off of....and that's why people are ****ed.
They said how ever much will go to japan and you guys spent money on it so its not there fault. If your so angry about it how about you donate 45k to japan -
They said how ever much will go to japan and you guys spent money on it so its not there fault. If your so angry about it how about you donate 45k to japan
Foolishness...this was a group donation. If people HAD that damn much money and more, THEY'D DONATE IT. Don't be stupid!
The FACT that Z8/G4 used the crisis to gain money and NOT to primarily donate all the funds is the topic on the docket, not that other people not having $5000 to donate and not doing so.
Don't be a sheep.
If I asked you to give me $100 on the street you'd say no.
If I asked you to give me $100 that $10 was going to donations, you'd say HELL no.
See my point here?!
You may as well have just DONATED IT YOUR DAMN SELF! It's well within your means (unlike $5000, which is something only someone with too much money in the first damn place, or a scam artist {OMG! Z8!} would donate), and you can do it ALONE.
*sigh* -
Foolishness...this was a group donation. If people HAD that damn much money and more, THEY'D DONATE IT. Don't be stupid!
The FACT that Z8/G4 used the crisis to gain money and NOT to primarily donate all the funds is the topic on the docket, not that other people not having $5000 to donate and not doing so.
Don't be a sheep.
If I asked you to give me $100 on the street you'd say no.
If I asked you to give me $100 that $10 was going to donations, you'd say HELL no.
See my point here?!
You may as well have just DONATED IT YOUR DAMN SELF! It's well within your means (unlike $5000, which is something only someone with too much money in the first damn place, or a scam artist {OMG! Z8!} would donate), and you can do it ALONE.
i started a thread on this last night and you should really see what mod dot has to say its pretty funny it WAS in the barracks but they moved it to off topic .. which i think is pretty stupid cuz it was in fact not off topic. -
Just sad.
CF just did this for publicity, they dont give half a damn about Japan and did it for money.
Like 10%? REALLY? 10%?!?!!?!?!?
So you make 45,000 dollars while people in Japan still suffer starvation, loss of shelter, and communities wiped out?
Yeah you guys really helped. Took greedy to hte next level. -
I can't do anything but facepalm at you guys.
Grow up. Not everything is done for publicity and money. Some people have hearts. If you half cared for the people just shut the hell up. It does not matter the ways, it does not matter what they did. THEY DONATED.
That is more than quite a few companies can say. I'm usually pretty calm, but the fact that you damn asses can't appreciate one damn thing Z8Games ever does is, especially this, just calls for a harsh tone.
This is the world, of course they can't donate every damn penny they make, This is a free to play game, meaning it is dependent on the money they earn.
Can you prove how much they would have earned even if they didn't say it was Japan?
Can you calculate the exact amount they earned with subtracting the BP prices from people who had extra bonus points from previous purchases?
Can you find a damn cell brain to just lay the hell off their crotches and appreciate they did anything for a damn country that is in far more need than just money?
If you give a damn about Japan, show it by helping, not complaining because a company at least donated, even if not much, to a country that needs it.
It does not matter how Japan gets help, whether the company is greedy or not, the real thing all of you should be on about is how we can better help this Country and not just complain on the internet over pixels about how a FREE SMALL PRIVATE company actually atleast donated. -
I don't see why there is so much rage. Sure, more then 10% could have been donated, but the fact that they cared enough to donate money means they have good will.
Pfff, I'd only rage if they asked us to just take a moment to think/pray about Japan (praying does wonders, but actions are the result of prayer ).
Just be glad that z8/G4 even gave a thought about Japan.
(some of you may call this business, and that there was no real consideration, well i consider 5% no real consideration if they had donated only 5%.) -
This is sad z8 i dont mean to say this is a bad thing that your giving money to the red cross but out of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that you make your only giving 5000? Come on i bet that might give 1 or 2 people heart surgery. Come on (also BAN FIX THE HACKERS) -
Not only did I give 10% but I also gave the 90 other %. I wouldn't call 40€ a paycheck but it's all I had and was happy to give it away even though it wasn't much and I could've bought stuff with it.
Yes people could easily give 5% of their own paycheck but many people don't give a **** about others and many other are just racist and don't like asians. There's another category I almost forgot: the I cba category.
Z8 didn't have to give amything? How would've the community reacted and how bad would've z8 looked? Almost every video game company did a founds collect.
Just admit that z8 were way too greedy on that one.
People are already enough frustrated without knowing what z8 does with the money and now they tell us that out of a couple of unpopular items they made 50k (5 for japan and 45 for themselves)? That makes people think "wait, they get so much out of those items? How much do they get out of zp purshases then o_O? What the heck do they do with it?" and that's totally normal.
It's like given a weapon to a suicidal.
Yes, they gave money to the japs and that's good but face the facts, they could've done way better.
Playing that card? Go look at all the other games who didn't do crud.
Also, G4Box isn't a bunch of morons like many of the people in this community. If they tried pulling a trick like this to earn money, it looks FAR WORSE than not doing anything.
They did it because they cared. Don't like it? To bad. Opinions are opinions, but facts are facts. How do you think you're making the employees feel when they actually tried doing something good, but all that you guys are doing, like you ever do, is crying.
I've been here for a long time, and this community is a bunch of ungrateful (insert b word here). Not one event that is done, can go on, and just get appreciation for actually doing it, spending their time they don't need to be working, to do something for the players. There's always a group of people that complain for the most stupid reasons.
Mature up. Not every human is corrupted. Most of you guys just think because G4Box is a company, all they care about is money. I tell you, if you look into CrossFire's past, it's anything BUT that.
Working personally close with Saidin, I have grown quite surprised myself about how much he and other staff care so much. True, at one point I did think they were after money too, but then I actually opened my eyes, and got to know the staff.
All I can say, is that we have some really dedicated staff members, who even use a big chunk of their off time, trying to improve this game, and bring the community closer. -
That's really pathetic we got trolls on this thread! You say $5K isn't that much. Donate double that and I'll give you a cookie. $2000 Could of been enough, most people don;t realise how many people this money would/and is helping them. That's crued, really.
All I can say to Z8/CF/G4/ect.. Thank you for showing care and not selfishness! -
That's really pathetic we got trolls on this thread! You say $5K isn't that much. Donate double that and I'll give you a cookie. $2000 Could of been enough, most people don;t realise how many people this money would/and is helping them. That's crued, really.
All I can say to Z8/CF/G4/ect.. Thank you for showing care and not selfishness!
You are joking right? 5k is not even a symbolic donation. It's just enough to build a roof on a small house. I bet my neighbor donated more than this.
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