File is changed : w[2007] l[0] crossfire.exe
for anyone else that is having the issue, it just mean that your game version isn't what the server is within the "version.ini" file
before update:
LatestVersion = 1353
MinimalVersion= 1164
OwnVersion = 21
after update:
LatestVersion = 1355
MinimalVersion= 1164
OwnVersion = 21
1) find where you install your crossfire would be, for me it is "D:\CrossFire", right click on that folder, property, security
2) find and remove "users" i think, and add in "Everyone", apply the change to the folder and the sub folder
* "Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object"
3) reopen the game to let it update itself to a newer version, it could work after that
4) reinstall, which will take longer -
for anyone else that is having the issue, it just mean that your game version isn't what the server is within the "version.ini" file
before update:
LatestVersion = 1353
MinimalVersion= 1164
OwnVersion = 21
after update:
LatestVersion = 1355
MinimalVersion= 1164
OwnVersion = 21
1) find where you install your crossfire would be, for me it is "D:\CrossFire", right click on that folder, property, security
2) find and remove "users" i think, and add in "Everyone", apply the change to the folder and the sub folder
* "Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object"
3) reopen the game to let it update itself to a newer version, it could work after thatMany thanks Pro2di for sharing this information with us. I really found this helpful.
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