[P]erfecT Recruting!

Heya guys,

My clan [P]erfecT is obviously perfect.

We are recruting any pro's mainly people with xfire or ventrilo and have a SFC rank or above.

Your k/d must be over 1.8 or maybe we can make an exception.

We do have our own forums at www.perfect-clan.tk and we use xfire as our main communication.

We are this clan: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=45118

We were clan [P]laY or maybe no us as Un-ArmeD. So we are pritty well known, Post what you think on the forums if you like.

If you think that you have all of what i said then APPLY! Your PERFECT!

Thanks [P]-FasT*-] ;)
