Cross Fire: How to report a hacker.
Some people don't report hackers because they don't know how to.
I've made a quick tuto on how to report a hacker.
Click here to see the video.
What you have to do before this:
-Do not quit the game in which the hacker is, stay untill the end.
-Click on Save button and name the replay as the hacker (you will have a limited time to do this and could be kiked meanwhile).
If you get kiked while renaming the replay and saving:
-Don't move from the channel, don't click anywhere.
-IF you play in windowed mode go to your desk and search for TempReplay.rtp
-Rename it to the hacker's name and add .cfr
Hope you enjoy this quickly made / non edited video.
As you can see I hadn't checked the video before uploading it. The quality sucks and that's probably due to the software I used to record it.
Post good free or a not free free version of a good screen recorder in the comments or on the thread on z8games forums.
Some people don't report hackers because they don't know how to.
I've made a quick tuto on how to report a hacker.
Click here to see the video.
What you have to do before this:
-Do not quit the game in which the hacker is, stay untill the end.
-Click on Save button and name the replay as the hacker (you will have a limited time to do this and could be kiked meanwhile).
If you get kiked while renaming the replay and saving:
-Don't move from the channel, don't click anywhere.
-IF you play in windowed mode go to your desk and search for TempReplay.rtp
-Rename it to the hacker's name and add .cfr
Hope you enjoy this quickly made / non edited video.
As you can see I hadn't checked the video before uploading it. The quality sucks and that's probably due to the software I used to record it.
Post good free or a not free free version of a good screen recorder in the comments or on the thread on z8games forums.
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