Moderator Impersonating

Hello Z8Gamers!

Recently we have seen quite a few users attempt to copy the signatures of Moderators and GMs on the forums.

This kind of behavior will not be tolerated. For any reason.

There is no need to be playing this kind of a joke.

We allow users to post images on the forums so that they can share their gaming experience with other users. Or to post their fan works of various other things. We do not allow them to do this to blatantly rip signature images from our Moderators and GMs.

Images and users who abuse this function especially for impersonating moderators or gms (for lulz or otherwise). Will have action taken against their accounts, their IP's and their main accounts. We take this impersonating matter seriously and will be taking all steps to eliminate users who abuse it.

Signature images are kept off of people because we want the focus on the forums to be about the content of the post. Not who has the largest signature image. Boards with signature images in the range of people we deal with tend to have very long pages with seizure-inducing graphics that really takes the focus away from what people are actually trying to say.

We also have an issue with maturity and controlling the content of the signature images. At this point in time local hosting of the images poses a problem with our database integration of the site (with login for the forums coming through our portal).

Please note that we are working on upgrading our boards to the newest version of VB. Along with some additional site improvements we should have better integration for the forums. This means that some time in the future, we hope to have more control over the features of the boards and enable further functions.

We also want to find ways to recognize our veteran and mature contributors by allowing things like signature images for them, and other features. At this time we do not have an ETA for this kind of thing. However it is on our radar and we do intend to bring some sort of controlled signature image to the masses of our community. Please be patient with us until we work with it.