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Well, in my experiances Crossfire's lack of confirmation buttons is a real pain. I've known people who spent a week breaking a weapon and then mistakingly press repair and lose 10k GP or more. The other night while looking at the AK-Knife in the coupon shop, the gun I've been desperately trying to save and get for months, I accidently hit the purchase button and bought an MP5 Advance for 90 days instead of hitting the escape button about 10 pixels to the right. Since I have a relitively low cash flow, that sets me back a month or more in getting the AK-Knife. I honeslty hate the MP5 Advanced, I already have a temporary one from the black market and I won't even break it for GP because I can't stand using it. But there's a confirmation to buy a 2,000 GP smoke grenade, of course. Wouldn't want someone to be able to accidently buy one of them and lose their hard earned money.
