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Well, in my experiances Crossfire's lack of confirmation buttons is a real pain. I've known people who spent a week breaking a weapon and then mistakingly press repair and lose 10k GP or more. The other night while looking at the AK-Knife in the coupon shop, the gun I've been desperately trying to save and get for months, I accidently hit the purchase button and bought an MP5 Advance for 90 days instead of hitting the escape button about 10 pixels to the right. Since I have a relitively low cash flow, that sets me back a month or more in getting the AK-Knife. I honeslty hate the MP5 Advanced, I already have a temporary one from the black market and I won't even break it for GP because I can't stand using it. But there's a confirmation to buy a 2,000 GP smoke grenade, of course. Wouldn't want someone to be able to accidently buy one of them and lose their hard earned money.
crossfireXPS wrote: »As you said in the Ak Silver thread
"Stop the QQing"
Well, it applies here. You should've checked that you had definitely selected the right weapon, and seeing as the MP5 ADV is on the FIRST TIER of the coupon exchange...
He wasn't trying to buy it, he was trying to leave the menu.
But okay champ. -
Nothing sucks more than stuff like that.
Or when people send me replays, and I alt tab to talk to them on xfire, then click back to watch the replay, and hit repair all.
das gud
Also kinda sucks inhaling a marshmellow from my lucky charms and not knowing where it is right now, its like in my throat, but not. -
Nothing sucks more than stuff like that.
Or when people send me replays, and I alt tab to talk to them on xfire, then click back to watch the replay, and hit repair all.
das gud
Also kinda sucks inhaling a marshmellow from my lucky charms and not knowing where it is right now, its like in my throat, but not.
Lucky Charms
I have not eaten one of those in ages... -
crossfireXPS wrote: »As you said in the Ak Silver thread
"Stop the QQing"
Well, it applies here. You should've checked that you had definitely selected the right weapon, and seeing as the MP5 ADV is on the FIRST TIER of the coupon exchange...
First of all, people want their money back for the AK silver because they didn't think to check the correct ammo count before they bought it. I was trying to exit out, not buy anything, and save up my coupons, buuuuuuuuuut....
Notice how the MP5 Advance comes up selected without even clicking on it. Also, notice how there are about 5 pixels between the "Lose all of your expensive coupons" button and the "Go back to the menu, save your coupons and buy an awesome gun later" button. With my mouse sensitivity, I can count the millimeters of hand movement it takes to move my cursor between the two buttons on one hand. I understand that they have a right not to refund me, no matter how much I hate the MP5, all I'm saying is that it's too important to leave a confirmation off of it, and that it would be a good idea to put one on so something like this doesn't happen to me or anyone else again.
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