Handgun Week Ribbon Details - And a change!
@ all those people asking about the ribbon requiremenrs:
"yes" is like the clearest answer possible and atleast foreigners can understand . What the other dude did wasn't answer clearer but just making a proper sentence... We aren't school so why would we have to do such a thing o_O.
I read somebody saying he wanted saidin to confirm he only needed to complete 3/5 events.
Actully he already did. Read again, he said that you, the player, only needed to qualify for 3 events out of 5.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday = 4events add the weekend and wow that's a total of 5events...
Meaning in thise 3/5 events he inclueded the weekend one.
And it's pretty obvious that if he didn't say something like "you MUST qualify for 3events inclueding the weekend one" you don't necessarly have to do the weekend one in order to get your ribbon.
I've understood the tricky part of this :
"The 100first people to get the ribbon will also get a 7day dual colts"
Before it would've been totally random but now it will be random between those who qualified for the 3 first events. Idk if out of my 11games there were over one which lasted less than 30seconds which would disqualify me for Tuesdays event. -
[GM]Saidin wrote: »In an effort to help you guys with the exact ribbon details we will make a separate post about them.
Additionally. We are now allowing you, the player, to complete ANY 3 TASKS from this week to get the ribbon.
And lastly, we are changing the amount of wins for Thursday to 5 and not 10.
Daily Events!
Monday April 4th 10am - 11:59pm EST
Event: Collect 100 Hand Gun Kills (any mode except mm and hm)
Prize: 5 Anaconda Adv Crates
Mondays Details: All crates have been handed out. Please note that this was for handgun kills only. And not regular kills.
Also note to make sure you are in games that last longer than 30 seconds, and generally should require 6+ people in them. To guarantee the match becomes recorded think of them like daily missions. To stop farmers, we put minimum requirements on these games. Make sure you finish the game with 6+ people in it for longer than a minute and you should be fine.
Tuesday April 5th 12:01am - 11:59pm EST
Event: Play in 10 Pistol Only Games on Black Widow FFA
Prize: 1000 GP
Tuesdays Details: To Guarantee you play in the game make sure to join a game (or start a game) and have 6+ people finish the game. Also note that you must play in the game longer than 30 seconds. Also note that the lowest Kill amount for all types of "play games" does not count.
Thursday April 7th 12:01am - 11:59pm EST
Event: Play 1 hour of game time
Prize: 3 Day Pistol Magazine
Thursdays Details: Playing 1 hour = in game time. This is not lobby waiting time. In Game time is calculated beyond 30 seconds and also should not matter if you join a game partway through or decide to leave part way through.
Friday April 8th 12:01am - 11:59pm EST
Event: Win 5 Pistol Only TDM Games
Prize: 5 Desert Eagle Camo Crates
Fridays Details: Win 5 Pistol Only TDM Games. You must play and win Pistol Only TDM Games. This means the game should be longer than 30 seconds. Have more than 6+ people in it, and you must be there when the game ends on the winning team.
Weekend Handgun Fun!
Event: Collect 250 Kills in Pistol Only Games to complete the week long events and qualify for the ribbon.
Weekend Details: This is Kills in Pistol Only Games. This means meeting the requirements similar to above only in Pistol Only Games. There is no game type requirement other than Knife Only, MM and HM won't count (obviously). Additionally, because this is KILLS in a pistols only game, a knife/melee kill will count towards this goal. And you have Saturday and Sunday to achieve this.
Prize: Handgun Week ribbon will be given out on Monday April 11th, to the players who have qualified for at least 3 events in game.
Ribbon Details: To get this ribbon you must qualify and receive the prize for at least 3 daily events during this week. This means you should have qualified at least 3 times during the 5 events for this. Note there is no prize for the weekend event, as this is the big one that you should be doing to make sure you get the ribbon!
I'd Love if there is a price (5k-10k GP) for ribbon winners -
I'd Love if there is a price (5k-10k GP) for ribbon winners
Dreams... Out of those 25+ ribbons not much have given rewards and mor will tis one. i'll just be happy to have a ribbon
still wondering when they'll announce the ribbon for having 30ribbon and what the reward will be...
I'm so looking forward to winning qomethimg awesome. I think we can expect atleast a ribbon per patch, I'm actually at 25ribons so lets say that by this summer I would've got my 30th ribbon.
Unless they decide to make like 5ribbons in a patch and I can get all of them.
Anyway what is this handgun week.all about for us? RIBBONS!
Well gp crates are cool and alot of people have been winning anaconda advs yesyerday and those are probably extremely happy and gratefull but for others who don't win a perm weapon or only get 100gps and no cupons the actual event rewards aren't really worth it. I got a cupon and I was verry happy but my aim since the week started, since the week was announced has always been the Ribbon and I bet that's the case of many people.
Oh and you guys better shouldn't miss the prizes which will be givien away on these forums and on the social websites.
Hpx is actually doing some awesome code give aways. Check it out it's in barracks as a sticky. Btw it isn't hard at all to solve the "equations". Most of the time if not always you won't catch the code before the others but nvm because the whole point of it is to have fun.
Enjoy this awesome handgun week and be nice with others.
Cya on the battlefields . -
Welcome to Handgun Week in Cross Fire!
This week we will be celebrating our favorite side-arms by having events, sales, giveaways and promotions all week long! There is even a new Ribbon to be won!
The festivities kick off right now so keep reading to see whats going on this week and how you can participate!
Daily Events!
Monday April 4th 10am - 11:59pm
Event: Collect 100 Hand Gun Kills (in any mode except MM and HM)
Prize: 5 Anaconda Adv Crates
Tuesday April 5th 12:01am - 11:59pm
Event: Play in 10 Pistol Only games on Black Widow FFA
Prize: 1000 GP
Thursday April 7th 12;01am - 11:59pm
Event: Play 1 hour total game time
Prize: 3 Day Pistol Magazine
Friday April 8th 12:01am - 11:59pm
Event: Win 10 Pistol Only TDM Games
Prize: 5 Desert Eagle Camo Crates
Weekend Handgun Finale
Event: Collect 250 Pistol Only Game Kills
Prize: Qualify for all prizes throughout the week including the weekend Finale and get the Handgun Week Ribbon!
*note* prizes will be handed out the day after each daily event. The Handgun Week Ribbon will be given out on Monday April 11th.
Week Long Events!
•25% off Dual Colts in the CF Web Mall all week long!
•Mauser Bonus Crates - The first 100 winners from 11am on Monday onward will receive an additional 7 Day Dual Colts
•Community Day on Wednesday, prizes and events on our Social Networks and Community Forums
Shooters Showdown!
Friday and Saturday play with the GMs to win ZP Crates and more! Details will be posted soon in a separate news post.
It's time to get suited up and celebrate our favorite pistols all week!u juest said u just have to win only 5 pistol only TDM? -
[GM]Saidin wrote: »In an effort to help you guys with the exact ribbon details we will make a separate post about them.
Additionally. We are now allowing you, the player, to complete ANY 3 TASKS from this week to get the ribbon.
And lastly, we are changing the amount of wins for Thursday to 5 and not 10.
Daily Events!
Monday April 4th 10am - 11:59pm EST
Event: Collect 100 Hand Gun Kills (any mode except mm and hm)
Prize: 5 Anaconda Adv Crates
Mondays Details: All crates have been handed out. Please note that this was for handgun kills only. And not regular kills.
Also note to make sure you are in games that last longer than 30 seconds, and generally should require 6+ people in them. To guarantee the match becomes recorded think of them like daily missions. To stop farmers, we put minimum requirements on these games. Make sure you finish the game with 6+ people in it for longer than a minute and you should be fine.
Tuesday April 5th 12:01am - 11:59pm EST
Event: Play in 10 Pistol Only Games on Black Widow FFA
Prize: 1000 GP
Tuesdays Details: To Guarantee you play in the game make sure to join a game (or start a game) and have 6+ people finish the game. Also note that you must play in the game longer than 30 seconds. Also note that the lowest Kill amount for all types of "play games" does not count.
Thursday April 7th 12:01am - 11:59pm EST
Event: Play 1 hour of game time
Prize: 3 Day Pistol Magazine
Thursdays Details: Playing 1 hour = in game time. This is not lobby waiting time. In Game time is calculated beyond 30 seconds and also should not matter if you join a game partway through or decide to leave part way through.
Friday April 8th 12:01am - 11:59pm EST
Event: Win 5 Pistol Only TDM Games
Prize: 5 Desert Eagle Camo Crates
Fridays Details: Win 5 Pistol Only TDM Games. You must play and win Pistol Only TDM Games. This means the game should be longer than 30 seconds. Have more than 6+ people in it, and you must be there when the game ends on the winning team.
Weekend Handgun Fun!
Event: Collect 250 Kills in Pistol Only Games to complete the week long events and qualify for the ribbon.
Weekend Details: This is Kills in Pistol Only Games. This means meeting the requirements similar to above only in Pistol Only Games. There is no game type requirement other than Knife Only, MM and HM won't count (obviously). Additionally, because this is KILLS in a pistols only game, a knife/melee kill will count towards this goal. And you have Saturday and Sunday to achieve this.
Prize: Handgun Week ribbon will be given out on Monday April 11th, to the players who have qualified for at least 3 events in game.
Ribbon Details: To get this ribbon you must qualify and receive the prize for at least 3 daily events during this week. This means you should have qualified at least 3 times during the 5 events for this. Note there is no prize for the weekend event, as this is the big one that you should be doing to make sure you get the ribbon!
they mix it up huhuhuhu on that day you have to play 1 our not play or win any game's -
BENickvaes wrote: »euhm?
Welcome to Handgun Week in Cross Fire!
This week we will be celebrating our favorite side-arms by having events, sales, giveaways and promotions all week long! There is even a new Ribbon to be won!
The festivities kick off right now so keep reading to see whats going on this week and how you can participate!
Daily Events!
Monday April 4th 10am - 11:59pm
Event: Collect 100 Hand Gun Kills (in any mode except MM and HM)
Prize: 5 Anaconda Adv Crates
Tuesday April 5th 12:01am - 11:59pm
Event: Play in 10 Pistol Only games on Black Widow FFA
Prize: 1000 GP
Thursday April 7th 12;01am - 11:59pm
Event: Play 1 hour total game time
Prize: 3 Day Pistol Magazine
Friday April 8th 12:01am - 11:59pm
Event: Win 10 Pistol Only TDM Games
Prize: 5 Desert Eagle Camo Crates
Weekend Handgun Finale
Event: Collect 250 Pistol Only Game Kills
Prize: Qualify for all prizes throughout the week including the weekend Finale and get the Handgun Week Ribbon!
*note* prizes will be handed out the day after each daily event. The Handgun Week Ribbon will be given out on Monday April 11th.
Week Long Events!
•25% off Dual Colts in the CF Web Mall all week long!
•Mauser Bonus Crates - The first 100 winners from 11am on Monday onward will receive an additional 7 Day Dual Colts
•Community Day on Wednesday, prizes and events on our Social Networks and Community Forums
Shooters Showdown!
Friday and Saturday play with the GMs to win ZP Crates and more! Details will be posted soon in a separate news post.
It's time to get suited up and celebrate our favorite pistols all week!u juest said u just have to win only 5 pistol only TDM?
that was Tuesday -
To clarify for yesterday people.
You had to play in a Black Widow FFA Pistols Only room for over 30 seconds, with 6 people playing for 30 seconds in that game as well, with any kill set over 15. The reason being because Black Widow FFA Pistols Only games [Saidin stating that the lowest amount of kills in every mode does not count] can go as low as 10 kills. They are 10 kills, 15 kills, 20 kills, 25 kills, and 30 kills, if I remember correctly.
For today, there is no event merely because it is Community Day. It will be a day for free prizes, playing with the GM's, forum games, and all of that ratatat things you whippersnappers do. There will also be media events.
Reference:- Check out for Community Day on Wednesday, there will be prizes given out on our social media sites as well as fun and games on our community forums!
For today, there is no event merely because it is Community Day. It will be a day for free prizes, playing with the GM's, forum games, and all of that ratatat things you whippersnappers do. There will also be media events.
[/LIST] -
i am compelled to make
Weekend Handgun Fun!
Event: Collect 250 Kills in Pistol Only Games to complete the week long events and qualify for the ribbon.
Weekend Details: This is Kills in Pistol Only Games. This means meeting the requirements similar to above only in Pistol Only Games. There is no game type requirement other than Knife Only, MM and HM won't count (obviously). Additionally, because this is KILLS in a pistols only game, a knife/melee kill will count towards this goal. And you have Saturday and Sunday to achieve this."
to count from 3 events or i can choose the 3 events? -
Bug ...
I have played like 10++ games on FFA Pistol Only Black Widow ( what eva) and i didn't get the prize and when i saw the statics it say that i didn't play that day ... in S&D, TD, FFA, etc...But when i put All Game it says i have played 15 times >.<... Could u say what is this bug .
Sorry for my bad english O.O
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