Stupid Noobs and Hackers!

What the f*** is wrong with people in this game!?
One is, alot of hackers are playing in this game..
Two, soooo many stupid idiotic noobs are here.. coz prolly they never go to school or they fail..

Today, i've played a lot of set-of-games today.. all are in GM, coz i like GM more.. but i only finished one game? what the hell.. coz other set-of-game i played, they kicked me.. why?

Possible reasons.. (oh btw, i always play in GR team)..
-they don't want to have competition in kills/ace or whatever gay reason they have so they decided to nominate me for being kick..
-maybe a teammate is soooo f***ing noob enough to mistakenly thought my skills/performance is hack/hacking..
-maybe one of my teammate is a friend of someone in BL then they agreed/decided to kick me by request from BL side..

-they were obviously a noob and lack of knowledge, and prolly many are dumb..
-they accuse the killer or decent-skilled player to be kicked for a noob reason.. for no one will kill `em easily and for `em to kill easily.. (easy game)
-well uhmm.. generally, BL who accuse much is a BIG NOOB.. even the players who are high ranked.. they still are noob.. they gain so much rank but they still can't recognize the different from skills and hack.. they just now how to kill and run.. and a lot of newbies who whine alot, even tho they don't know what they were saying.. uneducated..

Before, i was not against at this voting stuff.. i think it was useful.. to kick those no lifer morons who only know how to play games with hack.. But after a while.. i improve my skills to become an average player at CF and to be able to make a name or not being labeled as 'noob'.. then again.. i think it's a sin to have average skill or above.. most players will think, you hack..

I made this thread just to let my anger out.. and to tell this stuff.. maybe someone already posted similar things concerning to what i said.. but then again.. i need an outlet.. and to let the admin know/reminded about this issue..

I've only been playing CF for about 2-3 months now.. or i i think less than 2 months.. so if my little improvements is being labeled as hack.. i don't really know what to say.. is the skill standard in this game that low? or am i just that good? lol.. or maybe they're just dumb..

All i can say.. NOOBS! you make me laught!.. and HACKERS, you of course are one of those noobs.. and a no lifer..

I don't know if my thread will be deleted because i offended most of the players here in CF.. rofl.. if it get deleted, meaning, i'm right..
