How to Aim (Advanced)

Some of you might have read my first Guide.
If not then go ahead and read it.

Before i start i would like to point out some stuff.

You wont read this guide and suddenly become pro.
It takes practice and some persistence.
Yes your K/D might get ruined a bit but it's worth it.

If you disagree STOP reading right now.
If you are a person who doesn't like to wait then STOP reading.

Lets get started.
Step 1:
Find the gun that satisfies you.

Step 2:
Put your favorite gun AKA the gun you find that you're pro with in
Bag 1 and a pistol that will come in handy.

Step 3:
Go to any TeamDeathmatch Pubs and do your best to AIM FOR THE HEAD.

Step 4:
Start playing in close range try to get as close as possible to your enemy until you perfect close range HS's.
Then slowly start going further away until you reach the other side of the map and be able to hs easily.

Step 5:
Try one click hs's with friends it really helps.

Don't Rage if you get killed and just body shot.
Start in small maps with not alot of elevation like ship.
Then go to Forbidden Palace
Then go to Egypt.

Don't move on to a harder map if you are not perfect at the one before.
It will take you about 8 hours of playing HS only to become a 5/10
couple more days maybe months to become a 10/10.

Try grouping with a friend and doing 1v1 ship HS only across the map
to get your distance head shots to be a 10/10

Trust me it's worth it.
The key is finding the gun you are good with and setting your sensitivity
to one that is not high and not low.

Don't change guns or sensitivity or you will lose your aim.
