Competitive Player Looking for Good Clan

Hey all,

IGN: Eightbaii
KDR: 1.9
Location: Montreal (I do not speak french)
Primary Guns: Scar-L or AK / Anaconda, AWM / Deagle, can use whatever is required
Age: 20
Activity: Probably 3 or 4 days a week over the next month or so. It's hard to say, as school is pretty intense for me.
Former clans: In College, Serenity, minor scrub clans

I'm pretty tired of pubbing and hopping between garbage clans. I want to rejoin the competitive community. I am looking for a fairly large clan that scrims often, has mature & skilled players, won't get ****ed off if I can't be on every day of the week, ventrilo / teamspeak are plusses.
Post your info.
