Best pistol for AWM.
What do you think is better to go with AWM?
Deagle Camo or Gold?
(btw I don't have any of them im just bored and wondering, makin equations)
With Deagle Gold you got the 10 bullets, preparing you for atleast 1 enemy.
But when you hit the reload you would of wished you had the Camo one (since it reloads much quicker).
Camo would go well when you rifle and run out of ammo and you can hunt them down with the Deagle Camo. The quick reload will prepare you to keep rushing if you can't afford to stop.
I am not including the Anaconda Adv because most people don't use it with awm, its all preference.
Deagle is good to rush with, but when you try to run away and shoot the bullets go way off target, where with the anaconda they go straight on. So anaconda is better for runnin away in a sense.
Deagle Camo or Gold?
(btw I don't have any of them im just bored and wondering, makin equations)
With Deagle Gold you got the 10 bullets, preparing you for atleast 1 enemy.
But when you hit the reload you would of wished you had the Camo one (since it reloads much quicker).
Camo would go well when you rifle and run out of ammo and you can hunt them down with the Deagle Camo. The quick reload will prepare you to keep rushing if you can't afford to stop.
I am not including the Anaconda Adv because most people don't use it with awm, its all preference.
Deagle is good to rush with, but when you try to run away and shoot the bullets go way off target, where with the anaconda they go straight on. So anaconda is better for runnin away in a sense.
Anaconda is good for sniper backup because it has quicker draw than Deagle and still has good power. I like the P228 because it has a great draw time, decent accuracy, fast firing rate and close range it's a 1 shot headshot. That's 13 rounds of quick firing AWESOMESAUCE to deal with rushers. Or to rush yourself when you run out of ammo.
Mrfinmasta wrote: »but buying weapons is what makes this game free
of course there are always people spending cash either because they want to be one of the few with the weapons or they just want an advantage. either way it sucks for people who cannot donate. -
Why would a Desert Eagle Gold reload slower than an ordinary Desert Eagle or a Desert Eagle Camo? Aren't they all the same gun? This train of thought is as dumb as the one about which AK 47 is better. People, these guns were all made from the SAME F'ing script. There is NO F'ing difference between them but the colour and the ammo count. Try and get that through those thick sculls already and lay off the scuttelbutt.
LolliRoger wrote: »Why would a Desert Eagle Gold reload slower than an ordinary Desert Eagle or a Desert Eagle Camo? Aren't they all the same gun? This train of thought is as dumb as the one about which AK 47 is better. People, these guns were all made from the SAME F'ing script. There is NO F'ing difference between them but the colour and the ammo count. Try and get that through those thick sculls already and lay off the scuttelbutt.
The Desert-Eagle CAMO does reload quicker than the anaconda and the normal deagle knowin g cos i have one myself!
The Deagle gold is a 2-shot kill i think??? -
The Desert-Eagle CAMO does reload quicker than the anaconda and the normal deagle knowin g cos i have one myself!
The Deagle gold is a 2-shot kill i think???
The Desert-Eagle CAMO does reload quicker than the anaconda and the normal deagle knowin g cos i have one myself!
The Deagle gold is a 2-shot kill i think???
All the guns of a similar model, like the Desert Eagle, Desert Eagle Camo and the Desert Eagle Gold, use the same standard script. Therefore it is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE for one Desert Eagle to reload faster, have less recoil, be more accurate or do more damage than another model Desert Eagle. The same goes for the different AK 47 models. Same standard script, thus impossible that one AK 47 operates differently from another AK 47 model.
If you clone a duck and paint it pink, then the pink duck will still quack the same as its original. For you made an EXACT COPY of a duck. And painting it in a different colour doesn't make it sound like a goose.
This is how the CF game developers made the Desert Eagle Camo and Gold. By making an EXACT COPY of the original script of Desert Eagle and giving it a different colour and ammo count. Nothing else was altered about the original script of the gun. -
LolliRoger wrote: »
All the guns of a similar model, like the Desert Eagle, Desert Eagle Camo and the Desert Eagle Gold, use the same standard script. Therefore it is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE for one Desert Eagle to reload faster
kthxbai. -
LolliRoger wrote: »...the Desert Eagle, Desert Eagle Camo and the Desert Eagle Gold, use the same standard script. Therefore it is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE for one Desert Eagle to reload faster...dellllllllz wrote: »
However, that AK bit is correct. None of the different AKs have an advantage over the other. -
dellllllllz wrote: »
I literally was just trying to find that, lol.
But yea, Lolliroger, you're wrong about the Deagle. Don't worry about it, just watch the vid.
dellllllllz wrote: »
My connection is pretty stable (between 135 and 140 ping), but even I experience lag at times. However, I have seen people have pings jumping back and forth between 10 and 100. I consider this a more plausible explanation for the "seemingly" delay in that video, than this conspiracy theory you guys keep come up with. -
He said it wasn't having any lag issues when he did the video...
Secondly, it'd take a very large increase in pingtimes to make an online application like this one jump. Packet failure could be another explanation. I'm just saying.
GM's and MOD's alike have noted the reload time differences on this, btw. And it is noticeably in-game also.
LolliRoger wrote: »Ever heard of lag, dude? You really think that the script of 2 similar guns is the cause for the delay in that video, or could it be possible that the moment he made the recording of the original Desert Eagle, his connection with the server was running a bit slower than the moment he made the recording for the Desert Eagle Camo?
My connection is pretty stable (between 135 and 140 ping), but even I experience lag at times. However, I have seen people have pings jumping back and forth between 10 and 100. I consider this a more plausible explanation for the "seemingly" delay in that video, than this conspiracy theory you guys keep come up with.
Just except, that you were wrong. There´s nothing bad about beeing wrong sometimes. -
LolliRoger wrote: »Ever heard of lag, dude? You really think that the script of 2 similar guns is the cause for the delay in that video, or could it be possible that the moment he made the recording of the original Desert Eagle, his connection with the server was running a bit slower than the moment he made the recording for the Desert Eagle Camo?
My connection is pretty stable (between 135 and 140 ping), but even I experience lag at times. However, I have seen people have pings jumping back and forth between 10 and 100. I consider this a more plausible explanation for the "seemingly" delay in that video, than this conspiracy theory you guys keep come up with.
Don't try to argue about something you have no idea about.
kthxbaix2. -
LolliRoger, The camo deagle infact does reload faster than regular deagle.... Id be happy to show you in game sometime.... I understand what your saying about the weapon scripts, but apparently the script for the camo deagle was changed, It reloads much faster than the standard deagle.... I play alot of pistol matches, the difference is noticeable immediately.... theres many threads about this, and the reviews about the weapon itself all say the same thing.... Im sorry to say you are wrong... I will personally drop my camo deagle for you so that you can test it for yourself in a game.... IGN: The_Jester01
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