Change Thy Font Back Guide


I have extensively tested whether or not fonts impact the game in a drastic
way, and found that there was no difference between any fonts. I will not go
into detail about my testing, just know that the information I have is all based
on my own system. Please use at your own risk, and have backup files at hand!

Note: Saidin says, "We're still looking at all factors involving game performance.
One of them may be the new font. There are other factors going on too. The new
font takes a little getting used to, and we will be fixing some of the "shifted location"
errors over time." "If you mess up the game editing files it's your own fault."


  1. Navigate your way to: "\Z8Games\CrossFire\rez\Fonts"
  2. Take out the original "default.ttf", keep it in your back pocket.
  3. Replace the original with the downloaded "default.ttf".
  4. Run Cross Fire and see how it works!

What is it going to look like? Check Below.


Edit: You can easily test your own fonts by swapping them out with default.ttf.
