Premium™ - Recruiting! -IMPROVED-


Premium is NOW a new clan, I've cleaned the clan of the filth it had in it, and now we have a couple new LT's along with a new perspective on what the clan is.


- Points don't matter
- New Lt's Prototype, Paegan
- Drama Free

There are some new requirements to the clan now and they will be enforced, we're still a laid back clan but the rules before people abused.


- Ventrilo, mic not required but preferred.
- Staff Sgt. or higher ranks only.
- No Double clanning.
- Age limit; 16 (exceptions can be made under certain circumstances).

Tryouts are now more detailed, incuding,
- All will be held in S&D maps; Black Widow, Port, Or Eagle Eyes
- Switching sides is a must.
- You must atleast win a third of the rounds or more.
- Your Scrimming skills will be put to the test; Shift walking, route anticipation, following strategies, and teamworking.

If you are accepted from a tryout you will be put on a trial basis of 2 weeks, anyone that is following the age exception will be put on a month trial basis. If you do not follow the clan rules in the trial basis you will only get 1 second chance then you're gone if you break the next one.

Clan Rules;

- No drama causing
- No hacking
- No QQing in scrims or calling other people hackers, if you think they hack, report them and hush.
- Must follow ALL strategies called.
- DO not talk in scrims unless it relates to the match (A site, B site, etc.)
- Respectful
- Racism is not tolerated in a hateful manner, fun, of course
- Clan hopping will NOT be tolerated at ALL.
- Loyalty will get you far in this clan

