Crossfire will ending like Warrock

For 10 minutes i had clanwars vs Aimbotter
All were Coperal and They dont got Headshots
and They killed me in 1 second
I gave him headshots the result is 20 Dmg.
They dont chat but i spam they.
Here the Video on Mediafire:
Why i dont report and pm Saidin?
because it brings nothing.
I have 10 reports nobody is viewed.
That was for 5 months
I think Gm FallenAngel and Saidin are great Gms but not enough Gms /Mods to view all reports
Not more workers at z8games? I think it.^^
Crossfire earn many money with ZP and other every of my friends buy zp for more than 100€.
The BM have so few items? why? they buy all BM items for crap because they dont know what other can do with it.
Than the BM wants to patch new nice items
And they have 0 BM than they think that they must buy new zp because they must have all items vip
thats seeks and a nice trick to get more money from the z8games members!
I like Crossfire
but in every 2nd Match are Hackers
I dont say that when we lose the enemy is a hacker
But i hate the hackers thats are so mutch
and im shocked that some1 who hack said that he dont hack 3months that he was detected it was my friend but i ever feel strange to him.
PLS patch ALL hacks before you patch new guys or other crap!!!!!!!!
patching the hacks is most important
Than the 2nc The game shut down with an new Error #
The servers are not stable
In Clanwars we start 3v3 than another player glitch in the game and one of us kicked out than 2v4!
I think i will leave crossfire when i dont see that crossfire patch hacker and VIP hacker too!
please dont excuse that is so heavy to patch hacks
the problem with hackers is very old!
Please sry for my englisch im german
