Review on SCAR Heavy? Comments?
I find it's accuracy is great for the first shot, so if you can really's ok. However, we all know that if you can aim, the m4 is the best choice. The recoil after the first shot makes even bursting hard with the SCAR. I wouldn't reccommend it.
The gun has accuracy, but as has been said, not for very many shots. I agree with if you want a strong high accuracy high recoil gun, AK is a better choice. The reload time on Scar heavy is also terrible.
When I had to pick it up (no ammo), I had to reload and I was like "Come on Fatty, hurry up"!:D -
I would say this gun is very fast but FAST it has a good rate/fire.
The reload is SOOOO slow, its better if you got a pistol with you because if your reloaded and a noob comes to kill you take your deagle out and KILL HIM!!!
Its Power is in the middle of high and low so medium
its accrucey is like its power neutral
It has a lot of recoil
and if u master this gun you should get the AK-47 when your staff Sargent?
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