Lookin for a clan...

So I'm lookin for one.

KDR: I dunno, something above 1, but I don't really care bout it.
Mic/Vent/Xfire: Yes. Lookin for one of these clans.

Past FPS experience: I have played TF2, CSS, Wolfteam and Sudden Attack, but I only own Wolfteam and Sudden Attack. I've been pretty good at Wolfteam, but Sudden Attack is what fails me.

In-game, I like to talk alot. Hilarious kills/deaths = A message from me saying "LOL". Oh, and I forgot to mention. I'm pretty decent at CF. So I'd like a pretty active talkative clan.

I play Crossfire occasionally but Wolfteam is my primary game.

If there is any, that is.
