Looking for active GM players

The GrimReeFerZ are recruiting....We have 26 members and looking to fill up with all active members, Were an easy going clan who like to have fun and compete...We use xfire for a team chat and the mic system works awesome..if you are intrested you will need:

Positive K/D Ratio (1.0) will make exceptions if close
Need to be an active player (Play more then once a week)
Get an xfire account (Even if you have no mic, you can still listen)
Since we are a GM clan you have to be good at GM on either team, we can help you out

Other then that were looking for more mature people and skilled players, If intrested apply and I will look it over and accept those who qualify...http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=9542
