To all of you complain that you got kicked...



  • Broskiiii wrote: »
    Yeah why not? ;)

    poor smilys :c
    i love seeing smilies on the big servers, they're funny as hell, like the one in zone 13 HM game, i was a mutant, and he was inside that crate pile in fornt of the car, i was over the pile, and arrived above him, and i stared him for a good 40 seconds period xD
    them om nom nom nom :x
  • 74K37H47 wrote: »
    poor smilys :c
    i love seeing smilies on the big servers, they're funny as hell, like the one in zone 13 HM game, i was a mutant, and he was inside that crate pile in fornt of the car, i was over the pile, and arrived above him, and i stared him for a good 40 seconds period xD
    them om nom nom nom :x

    Lol!!! And you think I'm bad by kicking them? You eat them! You's a baddie!
  • 74K37H47 wrote: »
    poor smilys :c
    i love seeing smilies on the big servers, they're funny as hell, like the one in zone 13 HM game, i was a mutant, and he was inside that crate pile in fornt of the car, i was over the pile, and arrived above him, and i stared him for a good 40 seconds period xD
    them om nom nom nom :x

    :eek: OH NOES!
    Broskiiii wrote: »
    Lol!!! And you think I'm bad by kicking them? You eat them! You's a baddie!

    Whose your baddie? :D
  • Broskiiii wrote: »
    Lol!!! And you think I'm bad by kicking them? You eat them! You's a baddie!

    should've frap'sed that :/
  • :eek: OH NOES!

    Whose your baddie? :D
    I'm your baddie! ;)
    74K37H47 wrote: »
    should've frap'sed that :/

    You should of what? Faped to that??
  • Broskiiii wrote: »
    only $5 a month even brs can afford that payment. I keed.

    But yeah the item will be heavily abused... Not to mention the kids who go" you zeepee noob"

    Then it'll be " you VIP noob".

    It's just a fail after fail...

    This is EXACTLY how the rest of the community would react...
    "you VIP noob".

    also, hackers having their hands on this would def ruin gameplay for sure... i suppose, idk why though, someone explain that to me thx :(

    if it were to be implemented, it would:

    A) Be something worthwhile for z8 to make money on this ($5 aint enough, they would prob charge min $10 for 7 days or something :eek)

    B) Be non-abused (most likely would be officer rank or above)

    C) Incorporate ribbons and/or badges, to show seniority ingame.

    D) (maybe...) Incorporate some kind of forum usage, from post count, to infraction levels...

    E) Honor (yea would require a reset, thats why its last, cause it would be easiest to achieve at the time of implementation)

    Why has this not been suggested yet?

    p.s knew about this before in CFCN lol... :D
  • one_9 wrote: »
    if it were to be implemented, it would:

    A) Be something worthwhile for z8 to make money on this ($5 aint enough, they would prob charge min $10 for 7 days or something :eek)
    $25 per month, in 4 month packs only (yes, $100 for 4months of vip as minimum purchase). For something so abusable, it should cost a lot.
    one_9 wrote: »
    B) Be non-abused (most likely would be officer rank or above)
    Something like Master Sergeant+?
    one_9 wrote: »
    C) Incorporate ribbons and/or badges, to show seniority ingame.

    D) (maybe...) Incorporate some kind of forum usage, from post count, to infraction levels...
    Only base it on the fact infractions would have to be under X amount (0 would be best). Anything based on post count results in massive amounts of spam.
    one_9 wrote: »
    E) Honor (yea would require a reset, thats why its last, cause it would be easiest to achieve at the time of implementation)
    Honor ingame is a useless stat and it'll stay that way. Adding Honor as a requirement for VIP would be redundant since it rewards exp/gp even for leaving games early, which would result in dropping your honor.
    Now, including Honorable Soldier badge as a requirement, that would be a great idea.
  • I think VIP should be earned. Nothing you have to buy.
  • Fps_Crow wrote: »
    I think VIP should be earned. Nothing you have to buy.
    And that could be done how?
    Rank? Farm it.
    KDR? Farm it.
    Post count? Spam it.

    Only people who'd I say have earned it would be teams LPK and LL for representing CF NA at WEM. Other than that, how would you suggest a way to "earn" VIP status?
  • G2Wolf wrote: »
    And that could be done how?
    Rank? Farm it.
    KDR? Farm it.
    Post count? Spam it.

    Only people who'd I say have earned it would be teams LPK and LL for representing CF NA at WEM. Other than that, how would you suggest a way to "earn" VIP status?
    Through things like WOGL? ESL? MODship, bringing back the karma system and basing it off that.
    Something dynamic.
    You don't have to be a deuche and widdle everyone's thoughts to your level. It gets irritating.
  • I don't want this in-game.. abused by zepee freaks
  • or we could just do games wth people u know or let them get to know u
    like what i did was snipe for like 2 weeks half the snipers on the server i play
    know i have lucky and unlucky games so they have no reason to kick me inless im idle afk

    saves u guys wasteing yuor time asking for a update witch wont ever happen bc its a waste of time really
  • 74K37H47 wrote: »
    tell me, what if CHEATERS buy those items? ._.

    Its a good Idea..maybe if they put rank requirement like 1st LT maybe?
    any suggestions
  • 74K37H47 wrote: »
    tell me, what if CHEATERS buy those items? ._.

    Vote kick always fail, so they don't even need to buy it :)

    But I really doubt the feasibility of the rule. The solution is too easily to be abused.

    Only way is to introduce credit system. Those who with good credit would have heavier weight in vote. Those who with bad credit would have trivial effect in vote. To gain credit, you must report the hacker correctly, you have not wrongly vote kicked and is requested to be reviewed by player.

    When the button of kick is handled in the hands of serious players, we would have much less complain.

    At the same time, when the hacking is well controlled, people would not doubt every good player hacking.