Need help communicatins w/ players


I have talked to a couple of players while in a game. Should have added them to buddy list at the time but thought that was rude without asking them first. Now I can't figure out how to get a message to them. I found their profiles in the member list but can't send a message from there. Looking for them in the game is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Any help would be appreciated but remember I am technologically challenged so keep it simple. Thanks in advance,



  • If they are on-line, type

    /w (PlayerName) (The message)

    From there you can ask what server, channel and room they are in. After you get into the same room/channel, you can right click their name on the user lobby list and click add friends.

    Once you whisper the person once, you can use the /r *spacebar* and it will auto-fill the person's IGN into the text.
  • Still need help


    Thanks for the suggestion about whispering while in the game but I have been unsuccessful in reaching them. Found their profile but can't PM from there. Really would like to talk to these guys again - they played well, don't hack, and acted like adults instead of cry babies. I make the assumption that posting the game names here is a no - no. Am I correct ? Any help would be most appreciated. Moderators, can you be of any assistance ? Thanks in advance,

  • Grunts,

    Thanks for the suggestion about whispering while in the game but I have been unsuccessful in reaching them. Found their profile but can't PM from there. Really would like to talk to these guys again - they played well, don't hack, and acted like adults instead of cry babies. I make the assumption that posting the game names here is a no - no. Am I correct ? Any help would be most appreciated. Moderators, can you be of any assistance ? Thanks in advance,


    Well Look on there profile if they've been on.. within this month of October. if they haven't i don't think they play crossfire. like the person said Above me, Whispering is the only option right now. They might live in a different location so try remembering what time you and the person were playing and whisper them then! :)