XD I just got scammed

Lolol, so I was just chillin with my clan mates, and suddenly AlessBallaz logs off (ChocDrizzle) and then it says someone is using my ID. I had trusted him and given him my account info, because I thought he was a friend. I was wrong.

I quickly changed my password, and logged back on to find that I had 40K ZP. At first I thought Aless bought my a GP Plus item, and I was really happy. Then I told him that I just got gifted. He acted all confused and asked me who had my account info. I said only two people know it, both close friends of mine, and of course, him. He asked me if I downloaded any keyloggers..

And at that time I didn't know there was anything wrong with my storage. Then I went straight to the item shop and bought a deagle, since that was what I needed. Then, when I went to the storage to equip it to my AWM, I found it gone, along with my only other GP weapon, Despys.

XD I just got steamrolled, huh? What should I do? Is there anything I can do against my "friend" who suddenly took my best friend AWM away?
