Knifing In A Sniper Matches!!



  • i dont go to knife only matches because of laggers, it is easy to kill people who are using a knife MOST of the time, however, sometimes you gotta take out your knife/axe/shovel and fight back but they lagggggg and they get you from 5 feet away :/
  • knifing in a sniper is legit
    i do it all the time and now alot of people hate me lolz
  • i dont knife in a sniper match, i only use axe
  • i dnt care about those freakin knifers at all i jus knife em bak hard!!!!!!!
  • i only knife people in sniper only when im playing with friends
    usually gurp xD its fun knifing him haha
  • u calling me a noob loooooooool?!

    lets not comment on this please.

    i am a good sniper i just dont like how people knife u for GP's and sometimes when your in a bad mood and your doing well and the same noob keeps knifing u it does get anooying. and ruins your KDR.

    I don't know who you are, but just a few things I thought about after reading this post:

    1) Why do you see the need to troll? my original post was never directed at you, yet
    for some reason you seemed to have taken offence to my post.

    2) I'm surprised for how good you claim to be in this post, your still having trouble with
    knifers. If this is the case and they are really just becomming too big of a nusience that
    they are effecting your KDR, than you should rethink your sensitivity / DPI settings.
    questions you should be asking are:

    a) Are my sensitivity/DPI settings efficent for the threat being faced?
    b) Are my sensitivity options maxed, but my DPI is not?
    c) Am I being too target fixated that I loose awarness of my surroundings?

    Most people like to snipe with a low DPI/Sensitivity, and that is great, this allows you
    to engage long range targets with precision, but when it comes to any closer threats,
    it can be a challenge with the lowered sensitivities. Learning to engage targets with
    higher sensitivities and higher DPI can really help with all aspects of snipping
    be it quick scopping, close in knifers, or reacting to threats that are a screen width away.
    Snipping requires a balance between sensitivities/dpi and the ability to still be precise with
    the higher sensitivity (you still have to be able to hit your target, and not overshoot
    or undershoot its location).

    3) I'm not saying that I'm a great sniper etheir, I've been outsourced by players like
    Awen, and |Destroier| whom still have room to improve, while I've leveled off to my
    medicore performance with an awm. I'm just giving advice where it is due that's all :)
  • Cool Story Bro

    You Go Pick Up Another TeamM8's Gun I Am sure the will be like 3000 in the base

    so stfu and bloody stop spamming like a noob.

    1v1 with growler ???? snipe, rifle, knife, what ever you want. But your not as good as you think you are.
    I bring all the necassery weapons to a match that includes the KNIFE. but what ill do with you is run up with my knife switch to awm and blow your friggen head off point blank range. Then what ? you cry because people snipe you point blank in a sniper match ?
    lol @ you
  • awm is 1 shot kill
    so its a knife vs a sniper
    if your annoyed maybe because u dont look around u when scoping
  • This Post Goes For Gm's And For The Rest Of CF Players.

    Whoo Hates When They Play A sniper Match Game && a Newb Comes Up At The BL Sniper Little House In Monaco And Knifes Youu When He Should Of Killed You With A sniper from the GR Base?

    If Youu Hate When People Doo That Please Comment So In Future GM Mayy Take The Knife Out Of Your Bag When You Play A ''Sniper Match''

    And The Other Reason Whyy People Knifee Becausee Aparentlyy You Get ALOT Off Money When You Dont Use Your Sniper If That Is Truee Then You Should Put The Elimination Reward Of The ''How Much Money Youu Get''
    Iff You Do That People Mayy Stop Knifing Us ''Pro's'' In Sniper Matches.


    Hope You Guys Deal With This Problem

    The Other Reason Why u Put Knife In our Bags Cozz Of The Shooting And Switching Too The Knife Withh The Q button That's Thee Only Thing I Like About Snipering Matchs

    Tyy For Reading Thiss

    Free Free Too Comment.

    Get over it m8 if you cant snipe a knifer Get out of snipers match
  • oi how long will this thread go on? lol

    Until everyone becomes better snipers, or until Z8 removes knifing in sniper only (which would ruin a good challenge) :)
  • oi how long will this thread go on? lol

    until z8 locks it or deletes it because evidently people wont get beter at sniping to kill someone rushing with a knife... making me mad noobs QQ'ing
  • lol..... but this sniper match need to have nife cuz what if a person didnt put sinper in bag? what wil the person be holding? so nife is in all 4 bags and u cant remove them. same goes with pistol only.. if a person who dont have pistol.. what does he/she have to use? nife ofcuz, or another mele weapon.
  • IF you're so pro, why'd you let the knifer get that close to you when you should've sniped the knifer down? You deserved to be killed by the knifer, nubcake.
  • ucalled911 wrote: »
    lol..... but this sniper match need to have nife cuz what if a person didnt put sinper in bag? what wil the person be holding? so nife is in all 4 bags and u cant remove them. same goes with pistol only.. if a person who dont have pistol.. what does he/she have to use? nife ofcuz, or another mele weapon.

    So true. What if a player wanted to join a friends pistol game but doesn't have a pistol. Does that mean he's screwed?? That is, if you want the knife removed.
  • i use to think the same way about the knifes but then i thought if you cant kill someone who is trying to knife you before they get to you when you have a gun in your hands then you need to get some skill ha ha you have forever and a half to kill them dont be such a noob. you really cant call them a noob because YOU HAD A GUN ha ha
  • ahead555 wrote: »
    i use to think the same way about the knifes but then i thought if you cant kill someone who is trying to knife you before they get to you when you have a gun in your hands then you need to get some skill ha ha you have forever and a half to kill them dont be such a noob. you really cant call them a noob because YOU HAD A GUN ha ha

    That's exactly how i think. The real nubs are the people with the gun in their hand that miss the knifers.
  • i know how you feel.
    Just ignore it.
    Just kill them if you have good aiming you can kill them.
    And also what happens if you dont ammo for the sniper you know you have to knife right
  • gotjukedz wrote: »
    i know how you feel.
    Just ignore it.
    Just kill them if you have good aiming you can kill them.
    And also what happens if you dont ammo for the sniper you know you have to knife right

    i agree no extra i just agree ha ha
  • i have to admit. I find it annoying. But then again. What if everyone in the map runs out of bullets? Then time limit runs out? lool. That is the only problem with that idea. Fix that and you get yourself a pie of awesome
  • This Post Goes For Gm's And For The Rest Of CF Players.

    Whoo Hates When They Play A sniper Match Game && a Newb Comes Up At The BL Sniper Little House In Monaco And Knifes Youu When He Should Of Killed You With A sniper from the GR Base?

    If Youu Hate When People Doo That Please Comment So In Future GM Mayy Take The Knife Out Of Your Bag When You Play A ''Sniper Match''

    And The Other Reason Whyy People Knifee Becausee Aparentlyy You Get ALOT Off Money When You Dont Use Your Sniper If That Is Truee Then You Should Put The Elimination Reward Of The ''How Much Money Youu Get''
    Iff You Do That People Mayy Stop Knifing Us ''Pro's'' In Sniper Matches.


    Hope You Guys Deal With This Problem

    The Other Reason Why u Put Knife In our Bags Cozz Of The Shooting And Switching Too The Knife Withh The Q button That's Thee Only Thing I Like About Snipering Matchs

    Tyy For Reading Thiss

    Free Free Too Comment.

    first of all> grammar please. its really a pain.


    on topic> if u cant kill knifers then dont snipe. if a knifer kills me in a match, congrats! he took risk and got his reward. so what
  • If we are out of bullets....what we do? punch their faces? You can kill them easily no scope :)
    Or just pick up ur knife and knife only that person...

    Sorry my english :$
  • Most of the time, it's the best way of dealing with camper noobs in the prison
  • ha ha i just noticed the title of this thread , wow fail hahahahaha
  • o_o

    It's not a bad idea but people DO run out of ammo.... and if you were to drop your gun and find nothing in your hands... it kinda freaks you out that you probably on the other end of a scope with nothing in your hands. and it also eliminates the realisticness... Who goes to combat without a knife? Or if they had zp ;) a shovel or an axe. I can see where the idea came from though.
    I Like This Though But It Takes Too Long To Do >_> Nice Job Though.
  • ahead555 wrote: »
    ha ha i just noticed the title of this thread , wow fail hahahahaha

    Yeah we know you discovered where was the Tittle of the thread and the Meaning of the tittle CONGRATZ.

    ok.....gosh i like knifers in Sniper Match they make me rage them with knife and my Inner Knifer coms out and make my team wins :3 .

    o and free AWM Kill.
  • Yeah we know you discovered where was the Tittle of the thread and the Meaning of the tittle CONGRATZ.

    ok.....gosh i like knifers in Sniper Match they make me rage them with knife and my Inner Knifer coms out and make my team wins :3 .

    o and free AWM Kill.

    wow ya wiener i was talking about the titles fail in grammar, grow one please ^_^
  • heres some advice, learn to no scope or get better with your knife...I love the guys who come around I either no scope them before they even get close or I pull my knife out and get them first
  • Nothing wrong with knifing in a sniper match; no they shouldn't get banned lmao;

    How are you gonna tell someone they HAVE to snipe you from the other side? If you don't like how someone plays then you don't have to play pub...