Any skilled girls these days?

Well i was just wondering if there are any skilled girls playing these days. No i'm not looking for girls lol. Just wondering if there are any skillled girls who play Crossfire since most of the population are guys. Also the fact that most guys say: ''girls suck in FPS'' which isn't always true. Just lemme know ;)

@LF Scrims in EU servers 5v5 S&D. Clan: ( [Sad*____® )


  • there are alot of girls have amazing skills in crossfire
  • There are a lot of girls in-game. Skilled and not so skilled.

    But most of them stay on the you could be getting owned by a girl and not even know it...

    Like the user Giggletron.
  • When I see a girl...I go hypo and my Et3rnitY Junior goes hypo as well. 8---D
  • there are some girls with an average shot. i played one in quake a year ago who was
  • I'm a skilled girl

    want my number? I know how to handle an anaconda, if you catch my drift.
  • Do you realize how sexist your thread sounds?

    Lemme ask you: Are they any skilled boys these days?
    Dunno how many girls ive met on cf last days, but that majority of boys keep QQing/accusating/one hit killing/seeing ghosts :)

    Yes, majority of players are boys, but i think percentuage of skilled girls would be at least about the same as percentuage of skilled boys..
    What more, i would bet percentuage of skilled girls will be even higher, because there are many noob-boys attracted to fps games, no matter how good they are; but girl arent mostly interested in fps games and when they do, they can turn this passion into results ^^
    Thats what i believe :)
  • Romanoman wrote: »
    Do you realize how sexist your thread sounds?

    Lemme ask you: Are they any skilled boys these days?
    Dunno how many girls ive met on cf last days, but that majority of boys keep QQing/accusating/one hit killing/seeing ghosts :)

    Yes, majority of players are boys, but i think percentuage of skilled girls would be at least about the same as percentuage of skilled boys..
    What more, i would bet percentuage of skilled girls will be even higher, because there are many noob-boys attracted to fps games, no matter how good they are; but girl arent mostly interested in fps games and when they do, they can turn this passion into results ^^
    Thats what i believe :)

    it has nothing to to with being sexist. its called being realistic. of course there are good female players, no doubt about that. in a 1 on 1 against a male player, i know where to put my money.
  • to0l wrote: »
    it has nothing to to with being sexist. its called being realistic. of course there are good female players, no doubt about that. in a 1 on 1 against a male player, i know where to put my money.

    I am not saying anyone actually is sexist here, but the thread name really sounds like that..

    And i have to say i know only few girls in game, and every single one of them keeps owning in pubs..
    True, best players i am aware of are male, still it doesnt prove anything at all..
  • Romanoman wrote: »
    I am not saying anyone actually is sexist here, but the thread name really sounds like that..

    And i have to say i know only few girls in game, and every single one of them keeps owning in pubs..
    True, best players i am aware of are male, still it doesnt prove anything at all..

    i get your point. still..

    i caught my guinea pig owning in an egypt pub recently.
  • A skilled girl I know is.. My star and spop :p
  • to0l wrote: »
    i get your point. still..

    i caught my guinea pig owning in an egypt pub recently.

    I know what you mean, we could bring genetics into this discussion:
    males were suppost to fight/hunt/protect and they skills/reflexes/whatever should be capable of more stuff than girls..
    On the other hand, this game is not only about quicker reactions, tactics are the important part of the game as well and honestly, girls ive met on crossfire are better tacticians than most of the boys are..
    I know "high-end" male players do this as well and i am sorry i am dragging percents into this again, but i am not afraid to say that 90% of boys ive been seeing day after day are just walking through the map and trying to kill what they can see, girls i know (even the very beginners) are doing better in this..
  • Im female
    Bit too old to be called a girl
    Skilled , well maybe not now
    My age is against me
    But I find most players are young men and they are nice to me...
  • Romanoman wrote: »
    I know what you mean, we could bring genetics into this discussion:
    males were suppost to fight/hunt/protect and they skills/reflexes/whatever should be capable of more stuff than girls..
    On the other hand, this game is not only about quicker reactions, tactics are the important part of the game as well and honestly, girls ive met on crossfire are better tacticians than most of the boys are..
    I know "high-end" male players do this as well and i am sorry i am dragging percents into this again, but i am not afraid to say that 90% of boys ive been seeing day after day are just walking through the map and trying to kill what they can see, girls i know (even the very beginners) are doing better in this..

    yes, this has been talked over and over again.>) battle of the sexes in sport for example or even in other departments. however, can t really say anything against that argument about tactics. remembered me of a girl in my old clan ( she quit though.)
    . knew when to walk quietly, when to cover certain angles, when to stay back or rotate. usually girls are also more calm than most guys, which obviously helps alot in snd.
  • to0l wrote: »
    yes, this has been talked over and over again.>) battle of the sexes in sport for example or even in other departments. however, can t really say anything against that argument about tactics. remembered me of a girl in my old clan ( she quit though.)
    . knew when to walk quietly, when to cover certain angles, when to stay back or rotate. usually girls are also more calm than most guys, which obviously helps alot in snd.

    Yep, thats exactly what ive had on my mind ;)
  • I don't think girls enjoy playing with hakers :/ i met a lot in the past.. now they are just gone :(
  • My KDR isn't great because I refuse to reset it(even before that new ribbon) but I would think I'm at least good at the game. However...I'm not a girl, I'm a woman! :o Though I think people just assume I'm male because of my SWAT...which to me looks cooler than the females...just wish there was a female in full SWAT clothing.
    I wouldn't really call myself skilled, I mess up a lot sometimes. I know where to toss grenades and what angle they should be thrown at to get there, I know where people are more likely to come out so I can get a kill off of them and basic stuff like that. I can bhop as well and do good in ghost mode if I try. I don't think I'm what you'd call "amazing" though. I've still got some adjusting to do with my aiming, though I'm naturally aiming high for a higher chance at a head shot lately. I am good enough to get yelled at for "hacking" once or twice a day at least, but people cry about hackers so easily too. :/

    I wouldn't really consider this thread "sexist." Unless, you want to be super sensitive about it. Really this is a very interesting topic for discussion considering how society is for each country and how our social norms are changing.

    Honestly, I think gender doesn't matter when it comes down to gaming lol. Its supposed to be fun, its not really THAT serious. Though I do admit it does annoy me when other players talk women down like they're no good, we can be good it just depends from person to person and sometimes we have good rounds and we have bad rounds.

    Things have also changed over time, and I'm talking about the USA from my point of view. It has become socially acceptable for women to play video games these days, its not really considered weird at all so more will be willing to play. I see things on facebook saying they'd give up a video game for their girlfriend...its not romantic when that girlfriend would want to play it with him and kick his arse instead. ;)
    Gaming has also been shifting into a lifestyle choice, in my opinion, so its normal because of that as well. For example, many women want to go out on dates to some restaurant and such...but, though I do like to get out of the house on occasion, I think I would prefer sitting at home together playing a game. I do that now with my husband lol.
  • I'm a skilled girl

    want my number? I know how to handle an anaconda, if you catch my drift.

    oh please, try an awm.
  • :rolleyes:

    I dunno what you class as skilled though.

    I have tactics, if that's what you mean :confused:
  • Romanoman wrote: »
    Do you realize how sexist your thread sounds?

    Lemme ask you: Are they any skilled boys these days?
    Dunno how many girls ive met on cf last days, but that majority of boys keep QQing/accusating/one hit killing/seeing ghosts :)

    Yes, majority of players are boys, but i think percentuage of skilled girls would be at least about the same as percentuage of skilled boys..
    What more, i would bet percentuage of skilled girls will be even higher, because there are many noob-boys attracted to fps games, no matter how good they are; but girl arent mostly interested in fps games and when they do, they can turn this passion into results ^^
    Thats what i believe :)
    Dude, I don't think he meant it to be sexist. He was just asking a question. Obviously he hasn't made a lady friend in-game yet. It's true what he stated. Majority of FPS games are sausage fest's.
    Nukkarific wrote: »
    oh please, try an awm.
    And dude, I thought you died. :D
    KissMeArse wrote: »

    I dunno what you class as skilled though.

    I have tactics, if that's what you mean :confused:
    Umm do you hold a current +KDR. Farming counts..:rolleyes:.
  • Broskiiii wrote: »

    Umm do you hold a current +KDR. Farming counts..:rolleyes:.

    Pfft farming:

    Total Matches Played 2192

    Wins 1041

    Losses 1023

    Total Kills 24867

    Death 14858

    Message to the QQers my armour expired a long time ago :D
  • KissMeArse wrote: »
    Pfft farming:

    Total Matches Played 2192

    Wins 1041

    Losses 1023

    Total Kills 24867

    Death 14858

    Message to the QQers my armour expired a long time ago :D
    ......How do you get more wins then losses..idk..
    I smell farmer. I keed.

  • Broskiiii wrote: »
    ......How do you get more wins then losses..idk..
    I smell farmer. I keed.

    There like a 10 difference it'll soon change after a few matches without friends to kick noob hacks -.-
  • Yeah there are a lot of skilled girls
    But not gonna name them
  • misswolf is um kinda ok :p

    There is a chick that just joined our clan and she just started playing.... She has potential.
  • nao nao e falta do que fazer mesmo
    so quem joga cf sao meninas feias!
  • I would love to have a girlfriend with some skills in videogames! Mine only play tetris and 99% of the time I kick her ass at it.
  • Johanes22 wrote: »
    I would love to have a girlfriend with some skills in videogames! Mine only play tetris and 99% of the time I kick her ass at it.

    One day you will learn.... that you gotta let them win. You gotta remember they got what guys need!
  • LOL. Maybe you re right. But I feel that let them win would be insulting for her. And as a matter of fact she beat me once in a while