[W]yvern's Weapon/Item Suggestions

1.XM1014 w/ Bayonet - I know this isn't too unrealistic, I've definantly heard of shotguns with bayonets attatched. I think having this would make the shotgun more popular and common as a class of gun, and having a stealthier alternative fire/stab makes it more versatile in GM.

2.Double Anacondas - Don't lie to me, I've SEEN the dual-wield Uzi's o_O This is entirely feasible. I totally didn't expect them to get into the game the last time I suggested it, but now you have no choice=P. The summary of my original thread was that they would be ZP temporary or crate items, and have basically the same stats as a single 'conda, but with double the fire rate and ammo capacity, and possibly a slightly longer reload.

3.C4 Smash - ^_^ this would be a cheap GP rental item on the level of fast-defuse and extra grenade-slot. It would allow you to right click with the C4 equipped to swing it for slightly more damage than the knife's left-click, while taking slightly less time than it's right click. It would be cheap because of it's limited usage, but people would definitely buy it for lols. Also, it would be popular in GM, because it means you don't necessarily have to switch back to your knife and potentially give away your position (courtesy of the 'swoosh'). I even made an item icon if anyone wants to see it XD

4.Sports helmets aren't cool in FPS's. I really hope you intend to add the cool masks and shiz the other versions have with Halloween. I reaaally hope that's what you're doing.

5.The Glock needs to have full-auto. If it's an issue with making the guns balanced and stuff, however, then I understand ='(

6.Flame Shield - because I might need to use one in the near future, you never know.
