Funny things to say to CF newbs

In GM/SD whisper to them this "R for fast defuse"

"Standing still in smoke makes u get high"
"Goto B site so I can give u a gun cuz I'm a high rank"
"Stand here so I can kill the enemy when he attacks u"
"cover the bomb in the No Bomb spray cuz its harder to see"
"Slashing with knife is better cuz its faster"
"F11 they're kciking you" when they're not
"Spray all ur shots at the wall's cuz u get wall shot's that way"
In a sniper match "Aim for the feet cuz people fall down and u can kill them"
"Standing still avoids the spray"
"Run into the base with a knife cuz you stab snipers"

I have tried these and they work LOL such noob's
