Just Wanna Get This Ou There

Okay, So im on Forums Quite a bit, Looking at Ppl Comeing out with random Maps, ETC.
But i just wanna' say. That none of these maps that u think of will never come out, I think CF USA/Europe Are copying Jap And Crosffire CF.. Im not saying stop makeing maps and all that but i wouldnt go to far on makeing a big Sketch,

To [
[MODS] & [GM'S]

Q. Will Ppl Sugestions on Maps ever happen?, Please answer.. Coz The Mall Map that some suggested, seems pretty cool

Peace out Hom Dogs :)


PS. Dont stop thiking about maps u like, im just getting this out there, I love all the maps ppl think of and enjoy what ppl say, some are awesome and i hope they can come out :P

