it's a date!

ok gm players.
i would like to set up a room for some of us play in.
i would love to do a regular thing, and it may lead there.
but for this short notice...
tomorrow night (10.22.09) i will open a room for us to play in.
not sure about that info yet, but the password will be z8game.
i'll be on a bit after 7:30 PM (CST), and open the room at 8 PM.
-6 GMT for our overseas players.
i'll post here the room info, or just pm me in game (suicydbomber).

there are a few of you i would love to see in game, and i think we all have people we want to play against/with.

if this becomes popular, i have a ts server i can dedicate for these matches.
of course, not thursday night is not ideal for all, so i think it would be cool if we made a room at least one night a wekk for us to meet in.

we'll discuss as needed.
until then.....
