it wont let me patch anything
please help i cannot patch anything
every time i try to start the game it keeps saying the client you have is to old or out of date.
so i tried reinstalling it but it still didn't work please help if there is a link for an update please post
thanks ahead of time.
every time i try to start the game it keeps saying the client you have is to old or out of date.
so i tried reinstalling it but it still didn't work please help if there is a link for an update please post
thanks ahead of time.
ive tried restarting my computer and i tried everything i tried re downloading like 50 times
i just want to play so bad it just wont patch anything and how do i contact the gm
Allow PM message.
EDIT: Here is how.
1. Go to or find USER CP (Top)
2. Click on it.
3. On setting & options find "Edit Options"
4. Click on it and now find Private Messaging section
5. Select Enable Private Messaging, Receive Private Messages only from Contacts and Moderators AND Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages.
6. Scroll down to a bottom and click "Save Changes"
Hope it helps. -
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