3 New Ribbons

Knifer (Kind of like grenader) "You have own all types of knifes for 30 days at one time" (Since you only can get Axe permanant) Would get more people spending ZP on knife items. Examples are Axe, Shovel, and Katana.

Class Expert- "You have mastered a full badge class" For getting all rewards for a certain class like Assasin, Soldier, Scout, and Sniper. Not for Elite.

Milatary Master- "You have mastered the badge system" since their is no point in the badge system because you can get M4 Custom Crystal Permanant with Ribbons. Gives more of a challenge and goal now. The rewards for badges are also a decent touch now but without the crystal no point anymore.

Please leave you reasons for Liking or Disliking my ideas:)

Thanks For support especially with my past suggestions.

More Coming Soon!
