The end of ghost mode clans?

Is there any clan out there who still GMs and who actually has the courage to face us? I'm not gonna whine or boast that we beat every GM orientated clan out there, but please, I'm calling out anyone and I mean anyone who's good at GM to face us. Invisible, panthers, D&B, CCAV, stop being cowards ffs, and just play. We already beat all of you multiple times, quit being immature about it. Stop giving us excuses when we're well aware, that they're undeniably false (i.e. we don't have enough people, we need to practice, we ain't got our s5- that's BS, and you know it. With or without your best players, we still won).

So please, just face us in clan wars when you're on-regardless of who you got playing, and we'll do our best as well. This game's slowly dieing, and by crippling ghost mode by not making it challenging, there is no drive or motivating factor to push myself, or my clanmates to get better.

In a way, I'm asking the very people I compete in or despise to just play us, because this is really frustrating.

If you wanna set up a match, message myself IChrome, or any other of our clan members *check our clan in the clan section*.
