Disappointed in BP..

According to the advertisement we get:

- AK-Silver. (Another version of a gun that already has about 8 versions.. worthless)
- AWM-Camo Bundle. (Don't know what this is but we can get the AWM-Camo with Coupons already. Nothing new)
- Win/Lose Reset Bundle. (We can already buy this with ZP)
- GP Crates. (self-explanatory)

This is kind of disappointing, since we get nothing new. Yes, we get a new AK, but we already got so many versions of it...

I expected a few new weapons, only available for people that have BP. But no, we get another AK. We wait a year for them to give BP a use, and then we get this.

Don't flame, rage or cry. Just tell me what you think about this.
