Two Suggestions

1. Double barreled shotgun. This gun would be as accurate at the XM, a little more powerful than the SPAS, and have very fast reload. It would hold 2 bullets at a time, and you could not shoot through the reload. (like the other shotguns) It would be a break-barrel design.

2. This would completely change the melee aspect of the game, but I think that there should be some type of block action with melee weapons. It wouldn't block bullets or anything, but it might half the damage of a melee attack. If anything, it could only be on one specific weapon. (not knife, axe, or shovel.) Possibly for a longer, more powerful weapon because the left click would be better than normal. Block would be right click.

I don't really know about block. It might be a garbage idea, but I do like the shotgun idea. There are only 2 types right now, so I think it has the worst selection.
