type 89... the truth

First off.. IT is NOT silenced.... It just makes a very "silenced noise" but that noise is as loud as sg552 and kriss noises.
Second of all.. the jacked arms is a glitch... The arm is reversed from the elbow onwards.
Third of all, we all got jipped. The type 89 was supposed to be a scoped gun... with stats and spray pattern similar to [k2 or an94 depending on version (or was it just one of them.. i forget)] however it did have a scope. But i guess this is Z8's "unique" version of it and in my book that is fairly acceptable.
For all of you who say it is inaccurate... heres a thought... ever think of doing quick strafes (alternate between strafe keys every quarter of a second)? With quick strafes.. 4 shots get off pretty accurately. As a matter of fact it forms a good and accurate shape:

Person's body ends here at bracket> (;'.) <Person's body ends here at bracket
That is the spray of 4 bullets during quick strafe if your aim is at the center point on the body (the highest one within the brackets...)

A great spray pattern... enough to kill.

Thanks to many users for letting me steal it after death and go back to base to waste it and test the spray. XD

/If you did not read:

Go back and read it.. theres no way to summarize it.

/To all of Z8 Games staff: After reading this you may choose to do whatever to my forum account or this thread. Just do so, but keep in mind these thoughts:

1. I am not trying to offend you in any way by giving away the facts.
2. These are only the facts.

/To all: K thx for reading.
