Desert Eagle Scope.

Well i know a lot of people are unsure of how this gun is. Well i saw a video on youtube the other day for the .50cal sniper, and the dude had it as his secondary. The scope is like the M4A1-custom scope, so its got a little red dot in the center, and i am pretty sure it has a faster firerate/reload. It also has +2 ammo like the camo, but im pretty sure its gona be a ZP crate gun. leave your comments about what you think it would be like if you ever win it if it ever comes out, and what mode you think it would be best for

I would say it would take about 89-99 ZP crates to win this if pretty unlucky, and about 10-15 if really lucky. This would be legit for S.D or G.M. xP
