lol Pan[TH]ers

okay panther members..i totally respect yu guys..except for 1 of yu guys..this guy named -*[DarK]*- okay so the first instance was this..i sprayed and i got a hs..okay he let me off..2nd instant i saw him and i sprayed..hs..he was liek wth..swat again? my ign is S.W.A.Tmafia so yea..but i didnt get hs..3rd time i walked into him and got shot him..then he ****ed me off..called me a hacker because he DIDNT see me -.-' i clearly walked into him..okay heres the 4th instance..and the last 1..i saw him run i ran after him and threw a nade at the office/tunnel place near A..i got a nade kill and he called me a hacker and kicked me..i dont hack..he probably doesnt have a replay..but if he does watch it please..he doesnt deserve to be a pan[th]er he is a noob calling every1 better than him a hacker..making the pan[th]ers clan look like they are just big noobs..just cuz yur pan[th]er doesnt mean ppl cant own yu..please kick him out..he doesnt deserve to ruin you guys's rep like this
