Crossfire wiki underway.

Hello everyone, I have decided that we needed something new to find info on guns, maps, charaters and other items, so I started a small wiki in hopes of somewheres that you can look to before posting a question on the forum or buying a gun.

At the moment I am working on getting the guns added, maps, and other things that may come into need.

This is the stats that I have setup in hopes of getting too 100% on each of them and to keep them upto date.

guns 0%
maps 0%
characters 0% - easy to start being as the story and a image for each charater is already on the z8 website.
guides 0%
items 0%
other 100% - anything that does not fit can be placed here.

I just started it so don't get all upset that its hard to use yet. lol. If anyone has tips I will love it if they post it here.


I'm looking into other options still, but I hope that I can find something easy.
