[sG] Says It's Goodbyes! :(

Through all the work Secular Gaming has put into this community and the support we have from those of you who were actively involved in it, we thank you very much. I would also like to thank Z8Games & [GM]Saidin personally for making sG feel welcomed while introducing ourselves to the community. Working with this community was a pleasure and it hurts for me to say that sG has decided to step down. I would also like to thank my Staff Members for their time and dedication for if it wasn't for them, a lot of this would have not happened. I've personally made this decision because at 14, it is very hard to manage an organization financially and mentally. What I be my mentally is handling my personal life, school work and the sG organization itself (Managing the Stress). I'd rather sG step down respectively, not slowly die and waste any of your or my time. This community is unique and I think that is the reason why I loved working with them. Thank you guys again.

