Why are they so fast ?


I would appreciate a serious answer to this as opposed to some smart ass remarks. I am using a AMD 2500 quad core processor, 6 gigs of ram and a NIVIDA GeForce 9800 GT video card. My ISP address is 85 miles away. My ping in the game is usually in the high 50's. Most of the grunts I am playing against have a ping in the 120 range. But they seems to move so fast compared to me. Why is this / Thanks in advance.



  • ehhh????

    movement speed is based on what weapon is being held...

    other then that, if it appears they hare having "sudden Fits of speed"... this happens when the server plays "catch up" with the client. for example, player has a ping spike of lets say,,,,, 60ms.. ie from 130 to 190... u might see the player "speed up" for about 1 sec as the server gets the delayed information on his location on his end.
  • RendoRazor,

    I thought a lower ping made you faster ? From what you are saying, the higher the number, the faster the response time ? I've played against grunts with numbers in the 200 and even 300 range ? Are they sitting on top of the server ?

    Thanks, Duke
  • no no no no...

    first off, you had it right.. a smaller, (lower) ping is a faster conection to the server.

    2nd... Ping does not affect the movement speed of a player..... KINDA.............

    what i mean is this, player movement info is sent from the players client, then 2 the server then back to all the other clients..... pings are typically stable within a 15 ms range...

    ie some one with a 50 ping will keep between a 43 too 58is ping constantly....
    NOW, people who have high lag/latency... ie those with 120 + pings,,, (and those with crappy isps like mine) are more subject to get ping spikes...... a jump in their ping of greater then 20 ms for a period of 1 or 2 sec....... the game net code adjust for player latency.. but when a ping spike happens it is kinda like triping the netcode..... SO, the player is running around, the spike happens.. there is a sec are 2 where the server is not getting the info from the client as fast as it was and it is setting there scratching its head going "hmmmm,,, where that guy go?" then the spike ends.. OR the server adjusts for the new higher ping.... when the player reestablished consistent communication with the server, the server readjustes the players postion on the map to be consistent with where the client actaully is...... in other words.. it looks like the ZIP/sprint forward for a sec....
    the client will always continue to move during the spikes.. (unlike most retail games that when client lags bad it freezes movement on their end) with the exception of some serious lag issues. the server just plays catchup with the client once their ping stabalizes....

    did this clear it up?
    also this was just an idea of what u might be seeing... If players run SMOOTHLY and faster then u it has nothing to do with lag. like i said at first,, different weapons have diff weights and effect movement speed... or you might have gotten in some rooms with a bunch of speed hackers. but this is normally a DRASTIC change in speed. i e... u run at 6 miles an hour they run at 20.....
    one other thing,,, is there an always walk/always run option in the menu? i dont think there is, (mostly in older games) but u might check to make sure you are not always walking.
  • Thanks, Rendo

    I think I got it. Thanks for your enlightening me. I appreciate the help.

  • lol i hope hes not 'always walking'... even noob snipers can pick off walkers easily
  • Not walking


    Nope, not walking, I checked that. I go to walk when I hold down the control button. Not something I do very often. I am mostly a run and spray kind of guy. Being 62 years old, I have neither the reaction speed or eyesight to be a good sniper or a consistant headshot artist. Plenty of guys out there who are. I just enjoy the game. Keeps what ever edge I have left sharp. I can usually manage to be in the top two or three on my team, playing in Egypt with 8 on a side. Not too bad for an old fart.

    Peace and love, Grunts

  • and dont forget the lag shield..... full mag into chest - 0 damage lol
  • Running man...running man...running man...Tealportfraglagkillbehindboxomfgwtfbbq.

    If your ping is over 200 I say kick. Idc if you're a butter bar, a pro or a GM, if you lag you're out.